
The True Journey

The True Journey: what does it truly mean to walk with Jesus, all the way, with no compromise?

Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it. Matthew 7:13-14

"Do you continue to go with Jesus? The way lies through Gethsemane, through the city gate, outside the camp; the way lies alone, and the way lies until there is no trace of a footstep, only the voice, "Follow Me". ~ Oswald Chambers

My name is Melissa Morris, and my prayer is that through these writings, you will learn about Jesus. And follow Him on the True Journey.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

My Atheist friend vs. my Christian friend

So I already know that I'm gonna get blasted for this, but this blog is called What's On My Mind, and this has been on my mind for several weeks.

Now, before I start, I know the fundamental difference between my two friends based on my beliefs as a Christian. Belief in Jesus Christ is the only way to Heaven. God's Word is true from In the beginning to Amen. But I want this to make a point about how, as Christians, we don't show the true Jesus, and we will be accountable one day to Him for our actions. And if we as Christians don't show the true Jesus, how will the world really know Who He is?

I have two friends (well, I have more, but I am using these two today to make my point): friend A is a Christian. Friend B is an atheist. Let me tell you about them in relation to my recent illness, without being too specific as I don't want to reveal names and such...just how I felt related to what my friends profess.

Friend A was sporadic with texts, visits and support during my hospital stay. There were several things that Friend A did during this time that I thank them for, but felt like they did out of obligation rather than true concern or care. Once I was home, the texts remained few and sporadic. One text even said how important our friendship was. But I called this person (they didn't answer), in tears, left messages and texts saying how much I needed someone to talk to and how depressed I was. Two days later I got a text stating "Hope you found someone to talk to". Friend A lives 5 miles from me and in the 10 weeks I was out of commission, I got a 10 minute visit to drop off something. Every time I asked (and I hated to ask) them to come visit, I got "I'll catch up with you soon". Soon has never come.

Friend B was at the hospital with me several days for several hours, waiting on me and my mom hand and foot. Friend B kept in touch with me daily when they were working through phone calls, texts and Facebook. When they weren't working, they came and spent time with me, allowing me to talk, to cry, and to share the God portions of my experience. This is a person who doesn't even believe in God, but they listened. Friend B is an amazing person with a huge heart and does amazing things for the people that they care about. They freely say I love you, and love without boundaries.

Friend A told me on multiple occasions that I didn't have enough faith, and when I quit my job on faith because I clearly heard God speak, looked at me and said, "Are you crazy? You got fired, didn't you?".

Friend B once told me that I was one of the few Christians that they would listen to because I am honest about who I am in my faith, and I am not a hypocrite.

Friend A often treats me like I am headed to Hell in a handbasket because I'm not perfect.

Friend B loves me because I'm not perfect and don't try to act like I am.

So you see why this is on my mind? Fortunately, I chose to talk to Jesus about my depression and sadness during my illness. But as the Church, we are supposed to support each other, lift each other up, and encourage each other. And as the Church, we are supposed to show Jesus to the world. If we are too busy judging them, how can we show them Jesus?

This has been repeated to me many times over the past few months in many ways and in many messages: Jesus came to Earth the first time as Saviour; He will come back as Judge. In the meantime, as Christians, we should be showing the Saviour to people, not acting as judge. Jesus hung out with whores, drunks, thieves, the "undesirables" so to speak. When questioned, He said it was the sick that needed a doctor, not the healthy.

When did we as Christians decide to go ahead and start judging for Jesus, and keeping record? What are we gonna do, hand Him a notebook when He returns and say "Just FYI, here's what all these 'sinners' have been up to while you were gone."?

No, when Jesus returns as judge, I will not be concerned about the "sinners". I will be face to face with my Saviour, and I will have my own life to account for. I will be in complete awe and reverence. I won't be pointing the finger at my neighbor saying, "Yeah, well wait till you hear what she did...".

I ramble, I know...but it hurts my heart to know that I have been friend A at times in my life. Professing Christ and having no love for anyone, only judgement.

How can the world see Jesus in us if we are acting like the world? If we don't care about each other? If we are too busy to care?

I know I've learned a lot during this time, and I want to care about people, regardless of their situation. Cause that's what Jesus did.

And that's what's on my mind today.