
The True Journey

The True Journey: what does it truly mean to walk with Jesus, all the way, with no compromise?

Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it. Matthew 7:13-14

"Do you continue to go with Jesus? The way lies through Gethsemane, through the city gate, outside the camp; the way lies alone, and the way lies until there is no trace of a footstep, only the voice, "Follow Me". ~ Oswald Chambers

My name is Melissa Morris, and my prayer is that through these writings, you will learn about Jesus. And follow Him on the True Journey.

Monday, October 19, 2009

More change....

This morning I am still thinking about change...

I read a posting on my friend Sheila's blog ( about change...and how it's not always good.

We (the Church and the world) are constantly trying to change God and His Word to match our sinful desires.

We are constantly trying to change other people to match our wants and our needs.

We are trying to become God instead of being His followers.

Here's some facts:

1. God's Word is God's Word - and it does not change. I get so tired of hearing that the Bible was written so long ago that it can't be meant to use for today's problems. A very wise man, King Solomon, said that there is nothing new under the sun (Ecclesiastes 1:9). The world was just as corrupt then as it is now...we fool ourselves into thinking we are so smart that we have different problems than "back then"...sorry, but the same perversions existed then as now, and they are all centered around the same thinking he knows more than God. God does not change, and neither does His Word. And no matter how much we try and fool ourselves, we will have to answer for all of it when we stand face to face with the Almighty God.

Now I'm not one of those KJV only folks, but I do believe that we need to be careful about how far "down" we translate the Bible. There are some versions out there today that take the meaning right out of the Scripture by "simplifying" it...we need to be very careful with God's Word.

2. We can't change other people...only God can. Our responsibility is to allow God to change us, and in those changes, others can see Him. When others see His work and Word in us, then they will see how He moves in each of our lives. But let's not be bad witnesses for our Saviour!

I had a discussion yesterday with someone about music. They asked me if I listened to country music and I told them no. When they asked why, I told them that I tried to surround myself with music that glorifies God. They told me that they had a CD of hymns by a particular country artist that they loved, and I told them I have a hard time listening to some of those folks singing hymns when I know that the meat of their living comes from singing about things that God hates. And not just country artists, but music in general...the lyrics are about everything that is against what God teaches us about good and holy living, and when they win an award for singing these songs, the first person they thank is God. That just doesn't make sense to me. But at the end of the conversation, they made the statement, "Wow...I never thought about it like that before". By God changing my heart, I could show someone else what He has done in me.

Please don't think I'm sitting here being judgemental about all of this...I'm not...I just want to challenge each one of us, including myself, that call ourselves children of the Most High God, to look at the things we spend our time and money on, and recognize those things that are against what God teaches us is holy, and right, and pure. God calls us to live holy lives and to belong completely to Him...I have found that getting as far away from the world as I can with music, and books, and television, and movies, and replacing those things with prayer, and Bible study, has given my heart a new look at what God has called me to be.

It's just what's on my mind this morning.

Borrowed but Awesome Words!

From Friday 10/16/09...what was on my mind:

I woke up this morning wondering how "replaceable" we are in each others lives...and then got this blog posting from that kinda hit on what I was thinking...Thought I'd share these words this morning,and in doing so, also tell each one of you how unique and special you are to me. God uses each one of you for His purposes and none of you are "replaceable" to me. I love you guys!

From Friday!Last night at prayer meeting… I ended up REALLY opening my HEART to the prayer team. They prayed over me concerning semi-recent challenges and they really touched a few of the bruised places way deep in my heart. That’s not the sort of thing anyone should attempt in a circle of STRANGERS. I had no idea how much pain was still in there. Every person should have a small delegation of very CLOSE praying FRIENDS. Wow, the level of healing I gained from those two hours.Just so you know, I’ve never been one thats hasty to schedule my friends for an “inner healing” session.

This is only my humble opinion- I feel like some WELL meaning counselors have taken that sort of thing way too far… and while attempting to help, they end up MAGNIFYING the pain they promise to REMOVE.I still feel this to be true in many cases… but last night opened my eyes to a few things.

Lots and lots of people in todays ultra challenging world are silently suffering. Even strong and seemingly successful people… they cry at night.Due to the tremendous breakdown in family and friendships… more and more suffering people cry alone. This modern world has grown so COLD… (Oh God I can feel the PAIN of so many LONELY people… its consuming me this morning. Right now as I type this message, real tears flow down my face. I want this blog to REACH OUT and WRAP ITS LOVING ARMS around the readers who NEED IT.)

To cope with the effects of our own neglect and abuse… this civilization has become increasingly self obsessed… so much that we are oblivious to the enormous pain around us.

And to complicate the situation further… BETRAYAL is a ruling spirit in todays global society. Brother betrays brother until EVERY PERSON is left without a single CONFIDANT… UTTER ALONENESS!

Confidant (defined): a close, trusted friend, to whom one confides intimate matters or secrets, trusting them not to repeat it to others.

Psalm 55:12-14 MSG “This isn’t the neighborhood bully mocking me—I could take that. This isn’t a foreign devil spitting invective—I could tune that out. It’s you! We grew up together! You! My best friend! Those long hours of leisure as we walked arm in arm, God a third party to our conversation.”

How do we fix this glitch of modern society?

We should become far more LOYAL to the people considering us FRIEND and CONFIDANT. We should quickly find at least ONE personal confidant, whether its mom or spouse or Pastor. We should set a CONFIDANT meeting… and get the all the pain out of our hearts, get prayed over and built up, so that deep healing can begin.
We should dedicate to the well being of our own identity in Christ… so that more and more of us are better able to HELP others.
We should develop a keen spiritual awareness of the beautiful people in our circles… so that NO PERSON SUFFERERS ALONE.

I hope and PRAY that this blog site can be a SOURCE of healing for so many hurting people throughout the world. If you find yourself SUFFERING ALONE today… let us know about it as much as you feel comfortable… maybe we can gather around you with a few shoulders and give you the HUG you’ve been needing for a very long time! You’re amazing… you’re beautiful… you matter to God and to me and to so many other people. I’m praying for you… feel the difference and have a super day!

Please check out for more awesome inspiring words!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

I've Changed

Have you ever gotten to a place in life where you know you have changed? Have you ever been afraid to totally envelope that change and let go of all the things that tie you to the old person you were?
I have realized that I have changed. But fear has allowed me to stay the same in some ways...fear that those around me may not understand my change...but what I have realized the most is that I am accountable to God for everything in my life.
As I have gotten older (physically and spiritually), I can look back and see how I have depended on other people instead of depending on God. I have allowed my friendships/relationships to take precedence over Him...I have allowed people's opinions to replace God's Truth in my life. I have been content "riding the coattails" of other people, and have not stood firm on the Rock of my salvation, which is Jesus Christ. I have been content to be a follower of other people, and have forgotten to be a follower of Christ. I have forgotten that He has a purpose and a place for me, and it's time to let go and allow Him to take me whereever it is that He wants me to be.
Don't get me wrong - God has placed some amazing people in my life and I am thankful for how He has used them in my sin has been making those relationships more important that my relationship with Him. I have allowed my dependence on others to cloud my dependence on Him...
Today, I enncourage you to love your friends, love your family...but remember most of all, that the voice you need to hear is the voice of God. The face you need to see is the face of God.
Turn your eyes upon Jesus
Look full in His wonderful face
And the things of earth will grow strangely dim
In the light of His glory and grace.
It's just what's on my mind...and today, on my heart.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

I'm Homesick for Heaven

It's been awhile since my last has been busy, and I have been feeling really weary lately...sometimes I feel like a stranger in my own life.

But God always carries me through, and this past week, I got a blessing beyond imagination!

In 1990, I worked at Camp Little Crossroads in Lowesville, VA (now known as Crossroads Camp and Conference Center) and I met another counselor there named Lee Catherine. She asked me to show her some chords on the guitar, and in the process of doing that, she and I wrote a song together called, "Homesick for Heaven". We sang it that summer at camp and had a great time with it all.

So, fast forward to 2009...I got a flyer for a women's weekender and had in in my bag with all of my church information, figured I'd take a look at it the closer it got to the weekender. So this past Tuesday night, I came home from a meeting and looked at that flyer...the name Lee Catherine stuck out, and I looked at the picture, and there was my friend Lee Catherine from camp! Her group "Immersed" ( will be at the weekender. Well, I just couldn't belive that after all of these years, there she was! I thought about the song, and I went to the computer and looked her up on Facebook.

I messaged her and told her I'd seen her picture on the Weekender flyer, and I wondered if she remembered me, and if she remembered the song we wrote. The next evening, I had this message back from her:

"You will never believe this, but I just YESTERDAY was talking to my friend Cammie about wondering if you would be at Eagle Eyrie for the conference!!!!! We are in the process of preparing our 2nd CD cover for printing, and the last song on that CD is HOMESICK FOR HEAVEN! If you'll remember, I think you and I wrote that together at CLCR when you were teaching me how to play guitar. You'd be amazed at how many people here love that song! I was listing the songs for the cover and when I got to the author part, I had to write that the co-author was a counselor from CLCR '90, b/c I couldn't remember your last name. Cammie said, " Wouldn't that be awesome if she is there at the conference?" And here you are on Facebook. DUDE! That is God!"

So here we are all of these years later, with God allowing both of us to minister through the music He has given us; one of those songs being one that we wrote together!

God has a plan and a purpose for everything...and He has surely used this lesson to teach me that His time is more important than my time. This encourages my faith, and my music.

Please take time to visit to hear more of Lee Catherine and Cammie's music.

If you'd like to hear Homesick for Heaven, email me at and I will email you the song...I'm going to try and post it on the blog somehow, but you all know how technologically challenged I am!

Love you all!