
The True Journey

The True Journey: what does it truly mean to walk with Jesus, all the way, with no compromise?

Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it. Matthew 7:13-14

"Do you continue to go with Jesus? The way lies through Gethsemane, through the city gate, outside the camp; the way lies alone, and the way lies until there is no trace of a footstep, only the voice, "Follow Me". ~ Oswald Chambers

My name is Melissa Morris, and my prayer is that through these writings, you will learn about Jesus. And follow Him on the True Journey.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Borrowed but Awesome Words!

From Friday 10/16/09...what was on my mind:

I woke up this morning wondering how "replaceable" we are in each others lives...and then got this blog posting from that kinda hit on what I was thinking...Thought I'd share these words this morning,and in doing so, also tell each one of you how unique and special you are to me. God uses each one of you for His purposes and none of you are "replaceable" to me. I love you guys!

From Friday!Last night at prayer meeting… I ended up REALLY opening my HEART to the prayer team. They prayed over me concerning semi-recent challenges and they really touched a few of the bruised places way deep in my heart. That’s not the sort of thing anyone should attempt in a circle of STRANGERS. I had no idea how much pain was still in there. Every person should have a small delegation of very CLOSE praying FRIENDS. Wow, the level of healing I gained from those two hours.Just so you know, I’ve never been one thats hasty to schedule my friends for an “inner healing” session.

This is only my humble opinion- I feel like some WELL meaning counselors have taken that sort of thing way too far… and while attempting to help, they end up MAGNIFYING the pain they promise to REMOVE.I still feel this to be true in many cases… but last night opened my eyes to a few things.

Lots and lots of people in todays ultra challenging world are silently suffering. Even strong and seemingly successful people… they cry at night.Due to the tremendous breakdown in family and friendships… more and more suffering people cry alone. This modern world has grown so COLD… (Oh God I can feel the PAIN of so many LONELY people… its consuming me this morning. Right now as I type this message, real tears flow down my face. I want this blog to REACH OUT and WRAP ITS LOVING ARMS around the readers who NEED IT.)

To cope with the effects of our own neglect and abuse… this civilization has become increasingly self obsessed… so much that we are oblivious to the enormous pain around us.

And to complicate the situation further… BETRAYAL is a ruling spirit in todays global society. Brother betrays brother until EVERY PERSON is left without a single CONFIDANT… UTTER ALONENESS!

Confidant (defined): a close, trusted friend, to whom one confides intimate matters or secrets, trusting them not to repeat it to others.

Psalm 55:12-14 MSG “This isn’t the neighborhood bully mocking me—I could take that. This isn’t a foreign devil spitting invective—I could tune that out. It’s you! We grew up together! You! My best friend! Those long hours of leisure as we walked arm in arm, God a third party to our conversation.”

How do we fix this glitch of modern society?

We should become far more LOYAL to the people considering us FRIEND and CONFIDANT. We should quickly find at least ONE personal confidant, whether its mom or spouse or Pastor. We should set a CONFIDANT meeting… and get the all the pain out of our hearts, get prayed over and built up, so that deep healing can begin.
We should dedicate to the well being of our own identity in Christ… so that more and more of us are better able to HELP others.
We should develop a keen spiritual awareness of the beautiful people in our circles… so that NO PERSON SUFFERERS ALONE.

I hope and PRAY that this blog site can be a SOURCE of healing for so many hurting people throughout the world. If you find yourself SUFFERING ALONE today… let us know about it as much as you feel comfortable… maybe we can gather around you with a few shoulders and give you the HUG you’ve been needing for a very long time! You’re amazing… you’re beautiful… you matter to God and to me and to so many other people. I’m praying for you… feel the difference and have a super day!

Please check out for more awesome inspiring words!

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