
The True Journey

The True Journey: what does it truly mean to walk with Jesus, all the way, with no compromise?

Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it. Matthew 7:13-14

"Do you continue to go with Jesus? The way lies through Gethsemane, through the city gate, outside the camp; the way lies alone, and the way lies until there is no trace of a footstep, only the voice, "Follow Me". ~ Oswald Chambers

My name is Melissa Morris, and my prayer is that through these writings, you will learn about Jesus. And follow Him on the True Journey.

Monday, April 27, 2009

God Can Use You!

Ever felt like this picture?? Ever been called "stubborn as a mule"??

I have - alot! And I have wondered often how God continues to use me...but then I remember what my Pastor told me when I first felt called to the music/speaking ministry and I felt inadequate. He told me to remember Moses and how he felt inadequate before God, and how God used him anyway. And then he said, "And always remember Balaam's donkey - and if God can use a talking donkey, He can use you, too!".

If we visit Numbers 22, we find the story of Balaam's donkey. I encourage you to look it up and read it. I spent the weekend in some places that showed me how God can use all of us, and He reminded me that I don't have to be successful or well known in the world's eyes, I just have to be obedient to Him and He will move me out of the way and let His Word be known. Even when I act like a donkey.

On Saturday, I sang at a Relay for Life benefit at the Lovingston Opry House. This benefit was to raise money for cancer research and it warms my heart to know that the small county I live in has already raised $71,000.00 for this worthy cause! My heart was blessed as I sat and listened to the wonderful music from so many talented, God serving hearts! So many moving testimonies of cancer survival - each one giving God the glory for the healing that they received! I was in tears most of the evening just praising God for his wonderful mercy and grace. Each humble person sharing their struggles made their faith even more evident to those listening. I wondered how I could be so stubborn at times, when there are people going through much worse things than I have ever had to endure.

On Sunday evening, I went to the Gaither concert in Charlottesville - as they praised the Lord, each one shared some struggle from their life, or mistakes they have made, that the Lord had brought them through. And I saw each person praise God no matter what had been or was going on in their life at the time - and I saw how God used their struggles and their mistakes not only to teach them, but to also minister to other hearts. I wondered how God could use my mistakes to show others His glory.

God puts people in our lives for many reasons - but most of all to love each other and share each others burdens. I find it amazing that even when I was having struggles, there were strangers (or should I say friends I had never met) on their knees praying for me. Each one of us has a gift that God has given us to use - each one of us has a message that He has given us to say. But most of all, God has put us all here together to work for His kingdom and share the Gospel so that none may perish, but all may have everlasting life in His Son, Jesus Christ.

And it comforts my heart to know that even when I mess up, God meets me at the place of forgiveness and He covers me yet again with His grace and mercy, and He loves me through it.

And I know that God can use even my donkey moments for His Glory.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Gene's Song - Part 2

Not long after my posting last Thursday about Gene and his song, my pastor called and asked me if I would sing it at Gene's funeral on Friday.

What a honor! Not only to have known the man, and received the gift of his teaching, his friendship, and the words to this song, but to be able to be a part of honoring him by singing at his funeral...I didn't know if I could do it.

But God gives us the strength we need when we can't do it on our own...and the secret to having God's strength is realizing that we can never do anything on our own...only with His help. My friend sang harmony and God got the glory. God received the glory in the whole service, and my heart missed my friend and Sunday School teacher, but it also rejoiced knowing that Gene is with his Saviour that he loved so much. His service that day was a true picture of his life. My pastor also read a poem that Gene had written and given to me called, "After The Last Sunset" - I can't wait to put music to it and see what God has in store!

I'm thankful to be a tiny part in God's master plan.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

How Long Will It Be? In Memory of Gene Rohr

God truly works in mysterious ways.

About 2 years ago, I was given a humble gift. I went to church one Wednesday evening and my Sunday School teacher walked up to me and handed me a piece of paper, covered in words. He told me that during his Bible study that day, he had written down some words that the Lord had laid on his heart, and he wanted to give them to me so I could put music to them and make a song. He said, "I don't have money or anything to give you to support your ministry, but I want to give you these words and you take them and do with them what the Lord wants you to do".

This man's name is Gene Rohr and he is probably the most humble person I have ever known in my life. He was a man of few but meaningful words, and his prayers were so humble that Heaven must have rejoiced each time he talked to his Father. The song he gave me is titled "How Long Will It Be?" and several people who knew him said that the words reminded them of his struggles with his health and his desire to see his Lord soon. Gene had not been a Christian long, but he had a powerful faith that most of us can only desire to have. He depended on his Lord for everything in life.

I have had the opportunity to sing this song many times, alone and with a wonderful friend who harmonizes beautifully on the chorus. It was amazing to see his face when we had the chance to sing it for him one Sunday at church. In fact, this past week when we were asked to sing at OBX Baptist Church, this song was one that we sang for the congregation. I told the story of how this song came to be, and tried to explain the heart of the man that wrote those words, but words could not describe what shined through from his heart.

God is definitely the orchestrator of all things - after struggling with his breathing for so long, Gene went home to see his Savior face to face this past Tuesday. I can remember the look of awe he would have some Sunday mornings in Sunday School when we talked about the wonderful promises that God has made to all of us, and I can only imagine the look of awe he had on his face when he saw Jesus face to face. Gene doesn't have to wonder how long it will be anymore - his earthly journey is done, and he is now in Heaven rejoicing with the One he loved so much.

He gave me another poem not long ago called "After The Last Sunset". I know that Gene has seen that last earthly sunset, but opened his eyes to a wonderful Sonrise on Tuesday afternoon!

Thank you, Gene, for teaching us all humility - thank you for teaching me the Word, and for your wonderful gifts of words to sing to praise our Savior! I know I'll miss you, and I look forward to seeing you in Heaven.


Tuesday, April 7, 2009

God's Timing vs. Our Timing: Day 3 in North Carolina

Last night when my family was over for dinner, my uncle was sharing with us about his salvation and his growth in the Lord. He told us that he wanted to be able to be able to pray in front of people and be able to talk in front of people. So, one Sunday morning at church, he went to the altar and asked God for the boldness to talk in front of people and to pray out loud in front of people. He said he finished and returned to his seat, and when the hymn was over, the preacher looked right at him and said, “Brother Morris, will you say the closing prayer this morning”? He said he couldn’t believe it! But he said he closed his eyes and said the closing prayer, and he said he can’t remember what he said. He laughed and told us that the only thing he forgot to ask God for was time! He didn’t expect such an immediate answer to prayer!

I know how he feels when it comes to immediate answers…I told everyone that I am going to be careful what I ask God for from now on. This trip was planned a few months ago, long before I knew how badly I would need to get away. But God knew that I would need it - God knew my dad was going to die, and He knew I would need to come here to get away. And more than that, He knew that I would need this time with my uncle. It has been absolutely amazing, and we still have 4 more days to go! But before we left home, I said I would like to see some dolphins - I woke up early Sunday morning and watched the sun rise over the ocean, and then I saw them - dolphins! I have seen them every day since we got here. Then I said that I wanted to see one jump way out of the water - so yesterday afternoon while I was watching them, they started playing and one of them jumped way out of the water twice! These seem like small things, but God is the God of everything and He knows what we need.

Last night was a blessing…this trip has been a blessing. If we had to go home tonight, this trip has been everything I have needed it to be. Wonderful time with friends and family, and getting reacquainted with my Jesus.

How God Can Use Clumsiness...and Butter: Days 1 and 2 in North Carolina

What a weekend! What a mighty God we serve! This is how God is moving this week in my life. I am in Kill Devil Hills, NC for vacation this week...and it is absolutely amazing!

On Saturday, we left home around 7:30 a.m., gassed up and then met Frances at the church at 8 a.m. to hit the road. I had called Kent and Peggy on Friday night and let them know we were heading out on Saturday morning, and I told them I’d call Saturday evening when we got here. So, we made the trek down and did okay - even going through the Hampton Roads tunnel! The scenery is beautiful, and I still remain amazed that people can look out at it all, and still not believe in God.

So, we arrived at our destination about 1:45 p.m. and unloaded. We are on the second floor, so thank God there is an elevator, and a rolly-thing to help us bring the stuff upstairs. Once we got here and unloaded, we headed to Southern Shores and picked up shells, and rode on the beach in the 4X4. Once that was done, we headed to the Western Sizzlin’ to have dinner. I know how clumsy I am, and so do many people - and I never thought it would be something God would use. BUT - I know God can use anything for His glory, and I imagine He got quite a chuckle out of this. We sat in the corner and there was a lady sitting at the table next to us, by herself. We had chatted briefly about something…I decided that I wanted one of those awesome yeast rolls with butter and so I proceeded to open the pat of butter, scrape the butter out with my knife, and promptly shot that empty container sideways with my knife and almost hit the lady next to us! She laughed, we laughed, and we proceeded to talk. She told us her name was Janet and she ended up inviting us to her church - Outer Banks Baptist Church - for Sunday morning services.

Meanwhile, I was supposed to call my aunt and uncle and let them know we were here, which I failed to do. BUT - God is great and He orchestrated way in advance the events that left us speechless and in tears. We got up Sunday morning and drove over to Outer Banks Baptist Church - which ended up being right across the street from us. We went in and immediately saw Janet who hugged us and welcomed us there! So did everyone else that we ran into. This was truly a Spirit filled church. Janet began telling everyone how she had asked us to come to church the day before. We settled in and I went to the bathroom - we had joked about that wouldn’t it be funny if we ended up at my uncle’s church? Well, I came back into the sanctuary and I noticed that my mom and Frances were laughing about something and didn’t tell me what it was. I was thinking I had toilet paper stuck to my shoe or something. So, I sat down (in the back row - some habits continue no matter where you go to church) and began looking over the bulletin. When I got to the prayer list, I read down and there it was - Darrell Morris, Health (Kent’s brother). This was my uncle’s church! And God lead us there! I ran out to find Janet and tell her that this was the church that my uncle attended! And there was my aunt, coming in the door! She was as surprised as we were, and she said that she was hoping that I would have called the night before because they were going to invite us to come to their church. But God took care of it for us. We moved up front and sat with them.

We chatted after church, and Janet told me that the day before, when we met her at the Western Sizzlin’, had been the 1 year anniversary of her father’s death. She also told us that she had been so down that day we met her that she had decided to go out to eat by herself. She said she heard us talking about going to church and she prayed for the Holy Spirit to give her the boldness to ask us to come to her church. She laughed and said that the butter pat took care of that! After the service (which was absolutely amazing) we talked with many people, and when they found out that it was my dad that just passed away, they told me that they had prayed together every Tuesday night, on their knees and in tears, for my dad. They told me that they had prayed for his health and for the condition of his soul. There were so many tears in that church before, during and after that service! But they were not tears of sorrow or of hurt, but tears of love and thankfulness for brothers and sisters in the Lord that we may have only met that day, but are connected to us by the blood of Jesus Christ.

After church, we went to my aunt and uncle’s house for lunch - what a beautiful home! So much like them. My uncle has built a crows nest on top of the house and you can see for miles from up there. He has an excitement for his relationship with the Lord that I envy - it only makes me want to get closer to my Jesus. Knowing him before and knowing him now…I can’t even explain it. Hearing him say the blessing made me have goose bumps. We had a nice lunch and then talked for awhile. He talked about not being able to get there before my dad died, and he said within minutes of getting the news, he had his church praying for all of us. The thing that I continue to think about is his zeal for his Savior. He is so excited about Jesus that he can’t stop talking about it! And the gentleness of Jesus shows through in everything he does. That evening, we went back to the church for Bible study and they invited us to sing. So Frances and I sang a couple of songs. The Bible study was absolutely amazing - Exodus 12, The Passover. The pastor made points that in my lowly heart had never been connected before. After the service, again there were conversations and tears, and I could try, like I have been trying, to write it down, but the power of God in these circumstances cannot be explained in words. It really was one of those situations where you had to be there. I was there, and I know my heart will forever be different from the walking testimonies in that church.

Tonight, Janet came over for dinner, along with my aunt and uncle, and we had a wonderful time in the Lord! Praying together, discussing the Word, knowing we are not the people we once were, and it’s all because of the grace of God. Everyone was on the alert when they passed the butter to me, though! Some of us were strangers two days ago, but even though we had never met, we were still brothers and sisters in the Lord. How I felt when I walked into Outer Banks Baptist Church is how I should feel anytime I walk into the body of Christ.

It’s only Monday…and I’m already changed. I guess that’s how it is throughout life…He’s always working to make us more like Him.