
The True Journey

The True Journey: what does it truly mean to walk with Jesus, all the way, with no compromise?

Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it. Matthew 7:13-14

"Do you continue to go with Jesus? The way lies through Gethsemane, through the city gate, outside the camp; the way lies alone, and the way lies until there is no trace of a footstep, only the voice, "Follow Me". ~ Oswald Chambers

My name is Melissa Morris, and my prayer is that through these writings, you will learn about Jesus. And follow Him on the True Journey.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

FW:fw:re:FW:OH MY!

Did the title get you?

I have been thinking lately about the amount of time (collectively) that I spend emailing, texting, watching television, watching movies, etc. Now, don’t think I’ve gone overboard and now believe that all televisions, cell phones, and the Internet are tools of Satan – I am far from that belief. Even though these things can be used for evil, they also have their purpose for good. The Internet is a way to look up information; email is a way to stay in touch with people we might not normally have that much contact with; cell phones are needed in emergencies. Believe it or not, naysayers, even Facebook can be used in a good way – I can’t tell you how many witnessing opportunities I’ve had on there!

Just yesterday, I changed my cell phone plan to take off the text message feature. I have gotten spam and wrong numbers (which caused my mother to be called some very nasty names in a text that was not meant for her). It was cool when it was new…then I realized how obsessed you can get with it. I forgot what people’s voices sounded like – and more than anything else, I really believe it has affected the way I communicate. It’s hard to talk to people anymore when you get so used to email and texting.

So let me tell you what bothers me about each one of these things (and this comes from being convicted of them myself :)) :

1. We communicated before all of these techniques – it’s called TALKING!

2. I would love to have the money that people (including myself) are spending on all of these things when the majority of people that have them do not need them….we want them and that’s a big difference.

3. CELL PHONES: I love my phone. I love that I can talk with people whenever I want to now, but I do have to remember that it can be dangerous to do this at times.

- Trust me, you are not that important. Hang the thing up when you are driving, and watch the road. This is dangerous for you and those around you.

- If you forget your grocery list, drive home and get it. Please don’t walk around through the grocery store on your phone while your family at home tells you what they want. This does not constitute an emergency. This also may be hazardous to your health if you are in a grocery store filled with people who have the same opinion as me :)

- In the same grocery store (or any other store you might be in), please don’t answer your phone while you are checking out (especially if you are the cashier!).
Unless you are a physician or someone important on call, please leave your phone in your car when you go to Church. Trust me, if God’s gonna speak to you, He’s not gonna call you on your cell.

4. EMAIL: I love my email, too. I love that people think about me and send me things that they think I enjoy. I have tried to cut down on the amount of forwards I send. But it has it’s downfalls as well.

- It can only be National Best Friends Day once a year – I get this email at least weekly. I’m glad I have a lot of friends, but sometimes I miss the personal touch.

- I don’t believe in luck, so I really don’t think that if I fail to forward a forward that has been forwarded (get the theme here? J) I will experience ill happenings in my life.

- Some of the email forwards I get from my Christian friends really make me wonder at times…

- I do not need any of the types of medical assistance that are described in some of the spam I get (I think you know what I mean here).

5. TELEVISION: I have to say that sometimes I love television more than I should. But the content that is on now makes me want to have the cable turned off again.

- I still do not need any of the types of medical assistance that I’m also getting in my email. The commercials are worse than the programs. And then we wonder where the kids are coming up with this stuff.

I know that these things can be time savers – I can send a message to a group of people that it might take me hours to call on the phone; I can subscribe to daily devotionals; I can get personal messages from my friends; I can use it to send out devotions and messages from the ministry but only to those who have asked to be a part of the list. I use email and my cell phone to book dates for the ministry. But I also know that these things can be time wasters – and we get so caught up in them that we are missing the true value of relationships, and we are missing valuable time that we could be spending in Bible study. We are missing time that we could be spending in prayer – and by some of the content we receive by the means mentioned above, the world sure needs the prayers!

I believe God can use all things…and there’s so much more I could say…please don’t be offended by anything…it’s just What’s On My Mind.

1 comment:

Pastor Mark said...

Great Job Melissa! Keep living for the Lord!

Pastor Mark