
The True Journey

The True Journey: what does it truly mean to walk with Jesus, all the way, with no compromise?

Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it. Matthew 7:13-14

"Do you continue to go with Jesus? The way lies through Gethsemane, through the city gate, outside the camp; the way lies alone, and the way lies until there is no trace of a footstep, only the voice, "Follow Me". ~ Oswald Chambers

My name is Melissa Morris, and my prayer is that through these writings, you will learn about Jesus. And follow Him on the True Journey.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

I'm Homesick for Heaven

It's been awhile since my last has been busy, and I have been feeling really weary lately...sometimes I feel like a stranger in my own life.

But God always carries me through, and this past week, I got a blessing beyond imagination!

In 1990, I worked at Camp Little Crossroads in Lowesville, VA (now known as Crossroads Camp and Conference Center) and I met another counselor there named Lee Catherine. She asked me to show her some chords on the guitar, and in the process of doing that, she and I wrote a song together called, "Homesick for Heaven". We sang it that summer at camp and had a great time with it all.

So, fast forward to 2009...I got a flyer for a women's weekender and had in in my bag with all of my church information, figured I'd take a look at it the closer it got to the weekender. So this past Tuesday night, I came home from a meeting and looked at that flyer...the name Lee Catherine stuck out, and I looked at the picture, and there was my friend Lee Catherine from camp! Her group "Immersed" ( will be at the weekender. Well, I just couldn't belive that after all of these years, there she was! I thought about the song, and I went to the computer and looked her up on Facebook.

I messaged her and told her I'd seen her picture on the Weekender flyer, and I wondered if she remembered me, and if she remembered the song we wrote. The next evening, I had this message back from her:

"You will never believe this, but I just YESTERDAY was talking to my friend Cammie about wondering if you would be at Eagle Eyrie for the conference!!!!! We are in the process of preparing our 2nd CD cover for printing, and the last song on that CD is HOMESICK FOR HEAVEN! If you'll remember, I think you and I wrote that together at CLCR when you were teaching me how to play guitar. You'd be amazed at how many people here love that song! I was listing the songs for the cover and when I got to the author part, I had to write that the co-author was a counselor from CLCR '90, b/c I couldn't remember your last name. Cammie said, " Wouldn't that be awesome if she is there at the conference?" And here you are on Facebook. DUDE! That is God!"

So here we are all of these years later, with God allowing both of us to minister through the music He has given us; one of those songs being one that we wrote together!

God has a plan and a purpose for everything...and He has surely used this lesson to teach me that His time is more important than my time. This encourages my faith, and my music.

Please take time to visit to hear more of Lee Catherine and Cammie's music.

If you'd like to hear Homesick for Heaven, email me at and I will email you the song...I'm going to try and post it on the blog somehow, but you all know how technologically challenged I am!

Love you all!

1 comment:

Rick&MarliOverstreet said...

Mo- That is AWESOME!!! GOD is AWESOME and you are AWESOME!
I miss you so much.

I would love to hear the song, can you email it to me?

Take care and write soon...
