
The True Journey

The True Journey: what does it truly mean to walk with Jesus, all the way, with no compromise?

Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it. Matthew 7:13-14

"Do you continue to go with Jesus? The way lies through Gethsemane, through the city gate, outside the camp; the way lies alone, and the way lies until there is no trace of a footstep, only the voice, "Follow Me". ~ Oswald Chambers

My name is Melissa Morris, and my prayer is that through these writings, you will learn about Jesus. And follow Him on the True Journey.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Random Thoughts....

I can tell that today is gonna be a ramble of things that are on my mind...
First of all, the picture posted on today's blog is from my uncle's church in Nagshead. I found it on my mom's camera today when I was looking at the pictures of me cooking yesterday...and it reminded me of one of my least favorite phrases: "Unanswered Prayers".
I don't believe that there is such a thing as an unanswered prayer. I believe that God has three answers for each prayer we pray (and I learned this from a nurse at Camp Little Cross Roads in 1990): yes, no, and wait. But so many people think their prayer went unanswered because they didn't get what they asked for. I believe God says no. I'm glad God says no...I hate to think of where I might be (or who I might be married to - AUGH!) if He answered my prayers the way I wanted him to.
God is a loving Father Who knows what's best for His children...and sometimes, NO is what's best for His children. Sometimes yes is what's best for His children. And sometimes we wait. But my heart rejoices in the times He says no, because He always follows it up with a greater YES! He knows what plans He has for me, and what I want at the time is contradictory to the plan He has for me in the future! So, all prayers are answered...we just may not like the answer we get.
Another thing on my mind today is SELF. I have been watching television and looking at the websites for some of these new age groups that believe SELF is enough...that we have some kind of divinity within ourselves that can save us and make our lives happy. All these "groups" point you to SELF...Jesus points you away from self and to the Father! But it amazes me what all of these "groups" believe; yet, they shun the Gospel as unbelievable.
I watched an episode of "Way of the Master" with Kirk Cameron and Ray Comfort yesterday and they were out on the street, witnessing like they usually do by using the Ten Commandments. Ray was talking to this guy who was looking like a complete idiot by the way he was carrying on...Ray was trying to ask him questions and he was just rambling. Then the guy says, "Don't tell me about Jesus...I know about Jesus...he was a man, and I believe that if he were standing right here beside me today, we'd just go off somewhere and smoke a big doobie together. Heaven is here on earth and hell is here on earth".
Is this how people see the Most Holy God of the Universe?
One day, every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord: there's two ways to do it, is to bow in worship to the Holy God, the Creator of the Universe, in thanks and praise, and join Him in Heaven. The other is to fall before him, knowing you were wrong and denied Him your whole life, and be cast away from Him in Hell.
He chose to create you, and to die for you...and He wants you to live for Him and love Him.
Now the choice is yours...what will it be? Eternity with Him? Or Eternity without Him?
I pray you make the right decision and you make it soon.
It's just what's on my mind.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Hello friends,

I just wanted to take this opportunity to wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving.

This year is going to be different for me, but I praise God for my blessings. I say this will be the first Thanksgiving without my dad, but that's not so true...there were a few years when we were estranged that we did not spend Thanksgiving together...but this year is a little different.

It is death that separates us this year vs. pride and ignorance. There are times I would give anything to have those other Thanksgiving days back, so I could spend them with him; but I know that all things work for God's glory, and it was those times apart that ended up making the times together even more special. Even though there are moments that my sorrow comes out of nowhere and overwhelms me beyond measure, I am thankful for the time that God allowed us to spend together, especially those last few days before he went to Heaven.

And as my dear friend Sheila reminded me the other night, my dad is in Heaven now and the cares of the world don't concern him anymore...he is in the presence of the Almighty and he is rejoicing every day!

So let me remind you this Thanksgiving to be thankful for all of the things God has blessed you matter what the trial, the blessing is worth it. Tell those close to you how you feel about them, love them without ceasing, love them in spite of them in spite of yourself...

I am thankful most this year for a Saviour who never fails me, and loves me even when I fail. I find myself continually falling back at His feet because I'm trying too hard to do it myself.

I am thankful for each one of you who hold a special place in my heart.

So this year, I will enter the kitchen (I know, I don't cook - so this doubles as a prayer request) to help my mom with the turkey, and attempt to make my dad's fried dressing that he made every year for Thanksgiving and Christmas. I will think about dad's hands mixing the ingredients to his "special recipe"...I will think about my Father's hands which hold me continually.

And if you guys hear of an explosion in Nelson County on Thanksgiving Day, know the cooking thing didn't turn out so good...

Have a safe and blessed holiday!

Monday, November 23, 2009

A Favorite Story of Mine...Dog Poop Brownies

This story really makes me think about the things I do, the movies I watch, the music I listen to...hope you get a chuckle and a lesson from it!
Dad's Brownies

A father of some teenage children had the family rule that they could not attend PG-13 or R rated movies. His three teens wanted to see a particular popular movie that was playing at local theaters. It was rated PG-13. The teens interviewed friends and even some members of their family's church to find out what was offensive in the movie. The teens made a list of pros and cons about the movie to use to convince their dad that they should be allowed to see it.
The con's were that it contained ONLY 3 swear words, the ONLY violence was a building exploding (and you see that on TV all the time they said), and you actually did not "see" the couple in the movie having sex - it was just implied sex, off camera.
The pros were that it was a popular movie - a block buster. Everyone was seeing it. If the teens saw the movie then they would not feel left out when their friends discussed it. The movie contained a good story and plot. It had some great adventure and suspense in it. There were some fantastic special effects in this movie. The movie's stars were some of the most talented actors in Hollywood. It probably would be nominated for several awards. Many of the members of their Christian church had even seen the movie and said it wasn't "very bad". Therefore, since there were more pros than cons the teens said they were asking their father to reconsider his position on just this ONE movie and let them have permission to go see it.
The father looked at the list and thought for a few minutes. He said he could tell his children had spent some time and thought on this request. He asked if he could have a day to think about it before making his decision. The teens were thrilled thinking; "Now we've got him! Our argument is too good! Dad can't turn us down!" So, they happily agreed to let him have a day to think about their request.
The next evening the father called in his three teenagers, who were smiling smugly, into the living room. There on the coffee table he had a plate of brownies. The teens were puzzled. The father told his children he had thought about their request and had decided that if they would eat a brownie then he would let them go to the movie. But just like the movie, the brownies had pros and cons.
The pros were that they were made with the finest chocolate and other good ingredients. They had the added special effect of yummy walnuts in them. The brownies were moist and fresh with wonderful chocolate frosting on top. He had made these fantastic brownies using an award-winning recipe. And best of all, the brownies had been made lovingly by the hand of their own father.
The brownies only had one con. The father had included a little bit of a special ingredient. The brownies also contained just a little bit of dog poop. But he had mixed the dough well - they probably would not even be able to taste the dog poop and he had baked it at 350 degrees so any bacteria or germs from the dog poop had probably been destroyed. Therefore, if any of his children could stand to eat the brownies which included just a "little bit of crap" and not be effected by it, then he knew they would also be able to see the movie with "just a little bit of smut" and not be effected. Of course, none of the teens would eat the brownies and the smug smiles had left their faces.
Only Dad was smiling smugly as they left the room. Now when his teenagers ask permission to do something he is opposed to the father just asks, "Would you like me to whip up a batch of my special brownies?"
Author Unknown

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Ponder Anew, What the ALMIGHTY Can Do!

Okay, so I borrowed the title of this posting from an email I got yesterday from a special young lady...and I went and sang that hymn "Praise To The Lord" last night with the ladies at my church devotional group. What powerful words!

I received them yesterday in the form of praise regarding God's providence in a certain medical situation; and my praise day started when I got that email. It was followed by an amazing prayer service at my church, and an amazing devotional time following the prayer meeting. But then it happened...I let the devil steal my joy.

I drove home wondering if I'd said the right things, did I offend anyone, did I say what God wanted me to say...and I doubted myself right out of my joy. But this morning, the Almighty reminded me just Who He is and what He does.

The Almighty can place His finger on any situation and by His Divine providence, use it all for His Glory!

You should be aware by now about the Women's Retreat (see previous blog posting) in March 2010 that I am helping to organize...this started as an idea, progressed to prayer, and is now becoming a reality, and I see God's Hand in it every day! The theme is "At The Feet of Jesus". So this morning I pull in the parking lot at work, my joy still missing in action, and my friend Amy pulls in right after me and yells for me to come over to her car to hear a song. It was from the new Casting Crowns CD and it's called "At Your Feet" - take a listen if you can, and you'll know why I was floored and my joy was instantly restored.

One reason was because of how God uses Amy in my life; another was the amazing words to this song, and how it so fits the idea of the women's retreat. Coming to His feet to dwell, and lay all the past, present and future before Him...and just to worship Him and be overwhelmed by His presence.

I also ended up in a conversation with another friend that led me to the opportunity to read an awesome book about prayer, loneliness, and spiritual growth. And how we need to be prepared to meet people where they are instead of having unrealistic expectations about them.

And it all reminded me that He is the Almighty in the big things, and He is the Almighty in the small things.

He is...and He is all I need.

It's just what's on my mind.

Monday, November 9, 2009

At The Feet of Jesus - Women's Retreat - March 20, 2010

Dear friends!!

I am sending posting this to let you know that there will be a Women's Day Retreat on Saturday, March 20, 2010 starting at 9 a.m. at Kingswood Baptist Church in Arrington, VA (thank you, Pastor Carroll Martin, Jr. for offering the use of your church!).

This is something that has been on my heart and in my prayers for many months - as I talked with some of you about it, things just seemed to fall into place and now it will be a reality.

The burden on my heart was that there are so many women's conferences held and that the speakers, although they definitely have wonderful ministries, seem out of our reach. My goal is to ask God to provide ladies willing to teach and minister from their hearts that are right here in our community and are serving the Lord everyday!

This is designed to be more of a retreat...a place to come and rest for the day, with your sisters in the Lord, at the Lord's feet...and to focus solely on Him.

The focus of this conference is "At The Feet of Jesus":

- Each speaker will share from Scripture about someone who was brought to the feet of Jesus - regardless of the reason, as we know there were many reasons that people found themselves at the Savior's feet.

- The morning will be designed for the speakers to share what the Lord has put on their hearts to share.

- After lunch, we will break up into small groups, which will be lead by the speakers, so that we may more closely look at the lesson from the morning.

- The day will also be filled with music to praise our Lord!

Scheduled on the program so far:

Speaking: Lori Alford - Director of Christian Education at Hebron Presbyterian Church, Manakin, Virginia

Speaking: Betty Shelton - Associational WMU Director, Piedmont Baptist Association; Emmanuel Baptist Church, Amherst, VA

Speaking: Sheila Layton - co-coordinator, Relay for Life, Nelson County; Cornerstone Baptist Church, Tyro, VA

Praise and Worship: Tina Taylor, Kingswood Baptist Church; Melissa Morris, Ridgecrest Baptist Church

In order to provide this day at no cost, we are asking that you pack a lunch to bring with you...drinks will be provided. We will also have door prizes and many opportunites for you to share with your sisters in Christ!

Please pass this along to anyone you think might be interested...also, if you want more information, please email me at

I will soon have some written material along with a registration form for registering - will get those out to all interested as soon as possible.

Please keep this day in your is the result of much prayer on many people's hearts...

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Just Saying Hi!! And an opportunity...

Hey friends!!

Just saying's been a few days and I have so much to write but haven't had time to sit down and do it!

So for now, just want to let you know that I'll be singing at a benefit for the Nelson County Relay for Life on December 5th - the benefit is from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. at Nelson County High School. Others will be performing also, and I hope to have a friend there singing with me! So come on out and enjoy some good Gospel music and support a very worthy cause!

More later....been to the beach again, and God was talkin'!