
The True Journey

The True Journey: what does it truly mean to walk with Jesus, all the way, with no compromise?

Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it. Matthew 7:13-14

"Do you continue to go with Jesus? The way lies through Gethsemane, through the city gate, outside the camp; the way lies alone, and the way lies until there is no trace of a footstep, only the voice, "Follow Me". ~ Oswald Chambers

My name is Melissa Morris, and my prayer is that through these writings, you will learn about Jesus. And follow Him on the True Journey.

Monday, November 9, 2009

At The Feet of Jesus - Women's Retreat - March 20, 2010

Dear friends!!

I am sending posting this to let you know that there will be a Women's Day Retreat on Saturday, March 20, 2010 starting at 9 a.m. at Kingswood Baptist Church in Arrington, VA (thank you, Pastor Carroll Martin, Jr. for offering the use of your church!).

This is something that has been on my heart and in my prayers for many months - as I talked with some of you about it, things just seemed to fall into place and now it will be a reality.

The burden on my heart was that there are so many women's conferences held and that the speakers, although they definitely have wonderful ministries, seem out of our reach. My goal is to ask God to provide ladies willing to teach and minister from their hearts that are right here in our community and are serving the Lord everyday!

This is designed to be more of a retreat...a place to come and rest for the day, with your sisters in the Lord, at the Lord's feet...and to focus solely on Him.

The focus of this conference is "At The Feet of Jesus":

- Each speaker will share from Scripture about someone who was brought to the feet of Jesus - regardless of the reason, as we know there were many reasons that people found themselves at the Savior's feet.

- The morning will be designed for the speakers to share what the Lord has put on their hearts to share.

- After lunch, we will break up into small groups, which will be lead by the speakers, so that we may more closely look at the lesson from the morning.

- The day will also be filled with music to praise our Lord!

Scheduled on the program so far:

Speaking: Lori Alford - Director of Christian Education at Hebron Presbyterian Church, Manakin, Virginia

Speaking: Betty Shelton - Associational WMU Director, Piedmont Baptist Association; Emmanuel Baptist Church, Amherst, VA

Speaking: Sheila Layton - co-coordinator, Relay for Life, Nelson County; Cornerstone Baptist Church, Tyro, VA

Praise and Worship: Tina Taylor, Kingswood Baptist Church; Melissa Morris, Ridgecrest Baptist Church

In order to provide this day at no cost, we are asking that you pack a lunch to bring with you...drinks will be provided. We will also have door prizes and many opportunites for you to share with your sisters in Christ!

Please pass this along to anyone you think might be interested...also, if you want more information, please email me at

I will soon have some written material along with a registration form for registering - will get those out to all interested as soon as possible.

Please keep this day in your is the result of much prayer on many people's hearts...

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