
The True Journey

The True Journey: what does it truly mean to walk with Jesus, all the way, with no compromise?

Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it. Matthew 7:13-14

"Do you continue to go with Jesus? The way lies through Gethsemane, through the city gate, outside the camp; the way lies alone, and the way lies until there is no trace of a footstep, only the voice, "Follow Me". ~ Oswald Chambers

My name is Melissa Morris, and my prayer is that through these writings, you will learn about Jesus. And follow Him on the True Journey.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Random Thoughts....

I can tell that today is gonna be a ramble of things that are on my mind...
First of all, the picture posted on today's blog is from my uncle's church in Nagshead. I found it on my mom's camera today when I was looking at the pictures of me cooking yesterday...and it reminded me of one of my least favorite phrases: "Unanswered Prayers".
I don't believe that there is such a thing as an unanswered prayer. I believe that God has three answers for each prayer we pray (and I learned this from a nurse at Camp Little Cross Roads in 1990): yes, no, and wait. But so many people think their prayer went unanswered because they didn't get what they asked for. I believe God says no. I'm glad God says no...I hate to think of where I might be (or who I might be married to - AUGH!) if He answered my prayers the way I wanted him to.
God is a loving Father Who knows what's best for His children...and sometimes, NO is what's best for His children. Sometimes yes is what's best for His children. And sometimes we wait. But my heart rejoices in the times He says no, because He always follows it up with a greater YES! He knows what plans He has for me, and what I want at the time is contradictory to the plan He has for me in the future! So, all prayers are answered...we just may not like the answer we get.
Another thing on my mind today is SELF. I have been watching television and looking at the websites for some of these new age groups that believe SELF is enough...that we have some kind of divinity within ourselves that can save us and make our lives happy. All these "groups" point you to SELF...Jesus points you away from self and to the Father! But it amazes me what all of these "groups" believe; yet, they shun the Gospel as unbelievable.
I watched an episode of "Way of the Master" with Kirk Cameron and Ray Comfort yesterday and they were out on the street, witnessing like they usually do by using the Ten Commandments. Ray was talking to this guy who was looking like a complete idiot by the way he was carrying on...Ray was trying to ask him questions and he was just rambling. Then the guy says, "Don't tell me about Jesus...I know about Jesus...he was a man, and I believe that if he were standing right here beside me today, we'd just go off somewhere and smoke a big doobie together. Heaven is here on earth and hell is here on earth".
Is this how people see the Most Holy God of the Universe?
One day, every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord: there's two ways to do it, is to bow in worship to the Holy God, the Creator of the Universe, in thanks and praise, and join Him in Heaven. The other is to fall before him, knowing you were wrong and denied Him your whole life, and be cast away from Him in Hell.
He chose to create you, and to die for you...and He wants you to live for Him and love Him.
Now the choice is yours...what will it be? Eternity with Him? Or Eternity without Him?
I pray you make the right decision and you make it soon.
It's just what's on my mind.

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