
The True Journey

The True Journey: what does it truly mean to walk with Jesus, all the way, with no compromise?

Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it. Matthew 7:13-14

"Do you continue to go with Jesus? The way lies through Gethsemane, through the city gate, outside the camp; the way lies alone, and the way lies until there is no trace of a footstep, only the voice, "Follow Me". ~ Oswald Chambers

My name is Melissa Morris, and my prayer is that through these writings, you will learn about Jesus. And follow Him on the True Journey.

Monday, December 28, 2009

Testing the new blackberry!:)

Monday, December 7, 2009

Whose World Are You Living In?

Whose world are you living in?
A couple of years ago, I was having a "discussion" with one of my closest friends, both of us having an opinion about something and neither one of us willing to budge. Her husband was sitting next to me, and tapped me on the arm and said...
"Don't you know by now that it's her world and we're just living in it?"
WOW! What a statement! It sure did shed a lot of light on my friendship with that person; and here a couple of years later, it still sticks in my mind, and I have to ask myself this question:
In the past few weeks, I have really meditated on that question. And I didn't like the answer I got. I didn't like it at all.
I realized that since I got saved in 2005, I have been more focused on pleasing other people than on pleasing God. I think this stems from a couple of things: First, when I got saved, God had to cleanse a lot of anger out of me. He used some special people in my life to help do this, and they confronted me (although sometimes it wasn't in a very loving manner) about my anger, my jealousy, and how I was sinning against God with these behaviors. I learned that when you get saved, God's goal is to grow you to be more like Him. Secondly, I never wanted anyone "upset" with me about anything.
But in that process, I focused more on those people who were correcting me, and often allowed their opinions to mean more to me than God's Word in the situation. Sometimes I just took their word for Gospel and didn't bother to read my Bible to see what God said about it. If my friends said I was wrong, then I must be wrong...these are Christians that should know what they are talking about, right?
Wrong. When we do this to each other, we are putting ourselves in the place of God. There is confrontation that is spiritual (Matthew 18) and we need to address things in people's lives that go against God's Word. But we need to make sure when we are confronting people, that we are doing it in a Scriptural manner and not of our own opinion.
My sin was placing people's opinions above God's Word. And I have lived too long in the bondage of living in someone else's world. I am weary from trying to meet others expectations of me, when they aren't God's expectations of me. I have to search His Word for my answers, and be careful of other people's opinions.
It's funny with people who expect us to live in their worlds...they aren't that open to being confronted about themselves. Especially Scripturally. I think that's where I struggled the most because even when I had to confront these same friends about things in their lives, they always brought it back to me.
Guess that explains fallen's never our fault, is it? The boogeyman made me do it. Try that excuse when you stand before God to account for your life.
So today I have chosen to move out of other people's worlds: I will no longer dwell in the opinions of my friends, but will live freely in the Word of God and do the things He has called me to do. My friends don't have to agree with me, nor do I have to agree with them. I challenge them and myself to drink in God's Word so that we are walking in His Will and know the difference between loving, Scriptural confrontation and just having unrealistic expectations.
On that day when I am on my face before Him, I will not be able to blame someone else for my life. I will be wholelly accountable for all I have done. I want to hear "Well done, my good and faithful servant"...and I want to humbly walk into Heaven and live with my Saviour for eternity.
That's the world I want to live in.
It's just what's on my mind.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Her Life Spoke His Name

This past Tuesday I was honored to be in attendance to remember a very special lady.

My friend Debby's mom, Elsie Hall, went home to be with Jesus after 88 years full of serving Him. I didn't know her personally, but after I attended her funeral, I felt like we had been friends. I listened to several people speak of her life, and I was humbled by her relationship with the Lord.

The thing that sticks in my mind the most is when Rev. Tom Fowler told the story from the Bible of Mary and Martha; and he explained how Mrs. Hall was so much like Mary, and spent her life at the feet of Jesus, seeking His face and His will.

We need more examples of good, faithful servants such as this.

I truly see that her life spoke His name.

Does your life speak the name of Jesus?

It's just what's on my mind...

Friday, November 27, 2009

Random Thoughts....

I can tell that today is gonna be a ramble of things that are on my mind...
First of all, the picture posted on today's blog is from my uncle's church in Nagshead. I found it on my mom's camera today when I was looking at the pictures of me cooking yesterday...and it reminded me of one of my least favorite phrases: "Unanswered Prayers".
I don't believe that there is such a thing as an unanswered prayer. I believe that God has three answers for each prayer we pray (and I learned this from a nurse at Camp Little Cross Roads in 1990): yes, no, and wait. But so many people think their prayer went unanswered because they didn't get what they asked for. I believe God says no. I'm glad God says no...I hate to think of where I might be (or who I might be married to - AUGH!) if He answered my prayers the way I wanted him to.
God is a loving Father Who knows what's best for His children...and sometimes, NO is what's best for His children. Sometimes yes is what's best for His children. And sometimes we wait. But my heart rejoices in the times He says no, because He always follows it up with a greater YES! He knows what plans He has for me, and what I want at the time is contradictory to the plan He has for me in the future! So, all prayers are answered...we just may not like the answer we get.
Another thing on my mind today is SELF. I have been watching television and looking at the websites for some of these new age groups that believe SELF is enough...that we have some kind of divinity within ourselves that can save us and make our lives happy. All these "groups" point you to SELF...Jesus points you away from self and to the Father! But it amazes me what all of these "groups" believe; yet, they shun the Gospel as unbelievable.
I watched an episode of "Way of the Master" with Kirk Cameron and Ray Comfort yesterday and they were out on the street, witnessing like they usually do by using the Ten Commandments. Ray was talking to this guy who was looking like a complete idiot by the way he was carrying on...Ray was trying to ask him questions and he was just rambling. Then the guy says, "Don't tell me about Jesus...I know about Jesus...he was a man, and I believe that if he were standing right here beside me today, we'd just go off somewhere and smoke a big doobie together. Heaven is here on earth and hell is here on earth".
Is this how people see the Most Holy God of the Universe?
One day, every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord: there's two ways to do it, is to bow in worship to the Holy God, the Creator of the Universe, in thanks and praise, and join Him in Heaven. The other is to fall before him, knowing you were wrong and denied Him your whole life, and be cast away from Him in Hell.
He chose to create you, and to die for you...and He wants you to live for Him and love Him.
Now the choice is yours...what will it be? Eternity with Him? Or Eternity without Him?
I pray you make the right decision and you make it soon.
It's just what's on my mind.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Hello friends,

I just wanted to take this opportunity to wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving.

This year is going to be different for me, but I praise God for my blessings. I say this will be the first Thanksgiving without my dad, but that's not so true...there were a few years when we were estranged that we did not spend Thanksgiving together...but this year is a little different.

It is death that separates us this year vs. pride and ignorance. There are times I would give anything to have those other Thanksgiving days back, so I could spend them with him; but I know that all things work for God's glory, and it was those times apart that ended up making the times together even more special. Even though there are moments that my sorrow comes out of nowhere and overwhelms me beyond measure, I am thankful for the time that God allowed us to spend together, especially those last few days before he went to Heaven.

And as my dear friend Sheila reminded me the other night, my dad is in Heaven now and the cares of the world don't concern him anymore...he is in the presence of the Almighty and he is rejoicing every day!

So let me remind you this Thanksgiving to be thankful for all of the things God has blessed you matter what the trial, the blessing is worth it. Tell those close to you how you feel about them, love them without ceasing, love them in spite of them in spite of yourself...

I am thankful most this year for a Saviour who never fails me, and loves me even when I fail. I find myself continually falling back at His feet because I'm trying too hard to do it myself.

I am thankful for each one of you who hold a special place in my heart.

So this year, I will enter the kitchen (I know, I don't cook - so this doubles as a prayer request) to help my mom with the turkey, and attempt to make my dad's fried dressing that he made every year for Thanksgiving and Christmas. I will think about dad's hands mixing the ingredients to his "special recipe"...I will think about my Father's hands which hold me continually.

And if you guys hear of an explosion in Nelson County on Thanksgiving Day, know the cooking thing didn't turn out so good...

Have a safe and blessed holiday!

Monday, November 23, 2009

A Favorite Story of Mine...Dog Poop Brownies

This story really makes me think about the things I do, the movies I watch, the music I listen to...hope you get a chuckle and a lesson from it!
Dad's Brownies

A father of some teenage children had the family rule that they could not attend PG-13 or R rated movies. His three teens wanted to see a particular popular movie that was playing at local theaters. It was rated PG-13. The teens interviewed friends and even some members of their family's church to find out what was offensive in the movie. The teens made a list of pros and cons about the movie to use to convince their dad that they should be allowed to see it.
The con's were that it contained ONLY 3 swear words, the ONLY violence was a building exploding (and you see that on TV all the time they said), and you actually did not "see" the couple in the movie having sex - it was just implied sex, off camera.
The pros were that it was a popular movie - a block buster. Everyone was seeing it. If the teens saw the movie then they would not feel left out when their friends discussed it. The movie contained a good story and plot. It had some great adventure and suspense in it. There were some fantastic special effects in this movie. The movie's stars were some of the most talented actors in Hollywood. It probably would be nominated for several awards. Many of the members of their Christian church had even seen the movie and said it wasn't "very bad". Therefore, since there were more pros than cons the teens said they were asking their father to reconsider his position on just this ONE movie and let them have permission to go see it.
The father looked at the list and thought for a few minutes. He said he could tell his children had spent some time and thought on this request. He asked if he could have a day to think about it before making his decision. The teens were thrilled thinking; "Now we've got him! Our argument is too good! Dad can't turn us down!" So, they happily agreed to let him have a day to think about their request.
The next evening the father called in his three teenagers, who were smiling smugly, into the living room. There on the coffee table he had a plate of brownies. The teens were puzzled. The father told his children he had thought about their request and had decided that if they would eat a brownie then he would let them go to the movie. But just like the movie, the brownies had pros and cons.
The pros were that they were made with the finest chocolate and other good ingredients. They had the added special effect of yummy walnuts in them. The brownies were moist and fresh with wonderful chocolate frosting on top. He had made these fantastic brownies using an award-winning recipe. And best of all, the brownies had been made lovingly by the hand of their own father.
The brownies only had one con. The father had included a little bit of a special ingredient. The brownies also contained just a little bit of dog poop. But he had mixed the dough well - they probably would not even be able to taste the dog poop and he had baked it at 350 degrees so any bacteria or germs from the dog poop had probably been destroyed. Therefore, if any of his children could stand to eat the brownies which included just a "little bit of crap" and not be effected by it, then he knew they would also be able to see the movie with "just a little bit of smut" and not be effected. Of course, none of the teens would eat the brownies and the smug smiles had left their faces.
Only Dad was smiling smugly as they left the room. Now when his teenagers ask permission to do something he is opposed to the father just asks, "Would you like me to whip up a batch of my special brownies?"
Author Unknown

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Ponder Anew, What the ALMIGHTY Can Do!

Okay, so I borrowed the title of this posting from an email I got yesterday from a special young lady...and I went and sang that hymn "Praise To The Lord" last night with the ladies at my church devotional group. What powerful words!

I received them yesterday in the form of praise regarding God's providence in a certain medical situation; and my praise day started when I got that email. It was followed by an amazing prayer service at my church, and an amazing devotional time following the prayer meeting. But then it happened...I let the devil steal my joy.

I drove home wondering if I'd said the right things, did I offend anyone, did I say what God wanted me to say...and I doubted myself right out of my joy. But this morning, the Almighty reminded me just Who He is and what He does.

The Almighty can place His finger on any situation and by His Divine providence, use it all for His Glory!

You should be aware by now about the Women's Retreat (see previous blog posting) in March 2010 that I am helping to organize...this started as an idea, progressed to prayer, and is now becoming a reality, and I see God's Hand in it every day! The theme is "At The Feet of Jesus". So this morning I pull in the parking lot at work, my joy still missing in action, and my friend Amy pulls in right after me and yells for me to come over to her car to hear a song. It was from the new Casting Crowns CD and it's called "At Your Feet" - take a listen if you can, and you'll know why I was floored and my joy was instantly restored.

One reason was because of how God uses Amy in my life; another was the amazing words to this song, and how it so fits the idea of the women's retreat. Coming to His feet to dwell, and lay all the past, present and future before Him...and just to worship Him and be overwhelmed by His presence.

I also ended up in a conversation with another friend that led me to the opportunity to read an awesome book about prayer, loneliness, and spiritual growth. And how we need to be prepared to meet people where they are instead of having unrealistic expectations about them.

And it all reminded me that He is the Almighty in the big things, and He is the Almighty in the small things.

He is...and He is all I need.

It's just what's on my mind.

Monday, November 9, 2009

At The Feet of Jesus - Women's Retreat - March 20, 2010

Dear friends!!

I am sending posting this to let you know that there will be a Women's Day Retreat on Saturday, March 20, 2010 starting at 9 a.m. at Kingswood Baptist Church in Arrington, VA (thank you, Pastor Carroll Martin, Jr. for offering the use of your church!).

This is something that has been on my heart and in my prayers for many months - as I talked with some of you about it, things just seemed to fall into place and now it will be a reality.

The burden on my heart was that there are so many women's conferences held and that the speakers, although they definitely have wonderful ministries, seem out of our reach. My goal is to ask God to provide ladies willing to teach and minister from their hearts that are right here in our community and are serving the Lord everyday!

This is designed to be more of a retreat...a place to come and rest for the day, with your sisters in the Lord, at the Lord's feet...and to focus solely on Him.

The focus of this conference is "At The Feet of Jesus":

- Each speaker will share from Scripture about someone who was brought to the feet of Jesus - regardless of the reason, as we know there were many reasons that people found themselves at the Savior's feet.

- The morning will be designed for the speakers to share what the Lord has put on their hearts to share.

- After lunch, we will break up into small groups, which will be lead by the speakers, so that we may more closely look at the lesson from the morning.

- The day will also be filled with music to praise our Lord!

Scheduled on the program so far:

Speaking: Lori Alford - Director of Christian Education at Hebron Presbyterian Church, Manakin, Virginia

Speaking: Betty Shelton - Associational WMU Director, Piedmont Baptist Association; Emmanuel Baptist Church, Amherst, VA

Speaking: Sheila Layton - co-coordinator, Relay for Life, Nelson County; Cornerstone Baptist Church, Tyro, VA

Praise and Worship: Tina Taylor, Kingswood Baptist Church; Melissa Morris, Ridgecrest Baptist Church

In order to provide this day at no cost, we are asking that you pack a lunch to bring with you...drinks will be provided. We will also have door prizes and many opportunites for you to share with your sisters in Christ!

Please pass this along to anyone you think might be interested...also, if you want more information, please email me at

I will soon have some written material along with a registration form for registering - will get those out to all interested as soon as possible.

Please keep this day in your is the result of much prayer on many people's hearts...

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Just Saying Hi!! And an opportunity...

Hey friends!!

Just saying's been a few days and I have so much to write but haven't had time to sit down and do it!

So for now, just want to let you know that I'll be singing at a benefit for the Nelson County Relay for Life on December 5th - the benefit is from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. at Nelson County High School. Others will be performing also, and I hope to have a friend there singing with me! So come on out and enjoy some good Gospel music and support a very worthy cause!

More later....been to the beach again, and God was talkin'!

Monday, October 19, 2009

More change....

This morning I am still thinking about change...

I read a posting on my friend Sheila's blog ( about change...and how it's not always good.

We (the Church and the world) are constantly trying to change God and His Word to match our sinful desires.

We are constantly trying to change other people to match our wants and our needs.

We are trying to become God instead of being His followers.

Here's some facts:

1. God's Word is God's Word - and it does not change. I get so tired of hearing that the Bible was written so long ago that it can't be meant to use for today's problems. A very wise man, King Solomon, said that there is nothing new under the sun (Ecclesiastes 1:9). The world was just as corrupt then as it is now...we fool ourselves into thinking we are so smart that we have different problems than "back then"...sorry, but the same perversions existed then as now, and they are all centered around the same thinking he knows more than God. God does not change, and neither does His Word. And no matter how much we try and fool ourselves, we will have to answer for all of it when we stand face to face with the Almighty God.

Now I'm not one of those KJV only folks, but I do believe that we need to be careful about how far "down" we translate the Bible. There are some versions out there today that take the meaning right out of the Scripture by "simplifying" it...we need to be very careful with God's Word.

2. We can't change other people...only God can. Our responsibility is to allow God to change us, and in those changes, others can see Him. When others see His work and Word in us, then they will see how He moves in each of our lives. But let's not be bad witnesses for our Saviour!

I had a discussion yesterday with someone about music. They asked me if I listened to country music and I told them no. When they asked why, I told them that I tried to surround myself with music that glorifies God. They told me that they had a CD of hymns by a particular country artist that they loved, and I told them I have a hard time listening to some of those folks singing hymns when I know that the meat of their living comes from singing about things that God hates. And not just country artists, but music in general...the lyrics are about everything that is against what God teaches us about good and holy living, and when they win an award for singing these songs, the first person they thank is God. That just doesn't make sense to me. But at the end of the conversation, they made the statement, "Wow...I never thought about it like that before". By God changing my heart, I could show someone else what He has done in me.

Please don't think I'm sitting here being judgemental about all of this...I'm not...I just want to challenge each one of us, including myself, that call ourselves children of the Most High God, to look at the things we spend our time and money on, and recognize those things that are against what God teaches us is holy, and right, and pure. God calls us to live holy lives and to belong completely to Him...I have found that getting as far away from the world as I can with music, and books, and television, and movies, and replacing those things with prayer, and Bible study, has given my heart a new look at what God has called me to be.

It's just what's on my mind this morning.

Borrowed but Awesome Words!

From Friday 10/16/09...what was on my mind:

I woke up this morning wondering how "replaceable" we are in each others lives...and then got this blog posting from that kinda hit on what I was thinking...Thought I'd share these words this morning,and in doing so, also tell each one of you how unique and special you are to me. God uses each one of you for His purposes and none of you are "replaceable" to me. I love you guys!

From Friday!Last night at prayer meeting… I ended up REALLY opening my HEART to the prayer team. They prayed over me concerning semi-recent challenges and they really touched a few of the bruised places way deep in my heart. That’s not the sort of thing anyone should attempt in a circle of STRANGERS. I had no idea how much pain was still in there. Every person should have a small delegation of very CLOSE praying FRIENDS. Wow, the level of healing I gained from those two hours.Just so you know, I’ve never been one thats hasty to schedule my friends for an “inner healing” session.

This is only my humble opinion- I feel like some WELL meaning counselors have taken that sort of thing way too far… and while attempting to help, they end up MAGNIFYING the pain they promise to REMOVE.I still feel this to be true in many cases… but last night opened my eyes to a few things.

Lots and lots of people in todays ultra challenging world are silently suffering. Even strong and seemingly successful people… they cry at night.Due to the tremendous breakdown in family and friendships… more and more suffering people cry alone. This modern world has grown so COLD… (Oh God I can feel the PAIN of so many LONELY people… its consuming me this morning. Right now as I type this message, real tears flow down my face. I want this blog to REACH OUT and WRAP ITS LOVING ARMS around the readers who NEED IT.)

To cope with the effects of our own neglect and abuse… this civilization has become increasingly self obsessed… so much that we are oblivious to the enormous pain around us.

And to complicate the situation further… BETRAYAL is a ruling spirit in todays global society. Brother betrays brother until EVERY PERSON is left without a single CONFIDANT… UTTER ALONENESS!

Confidant (defined): a close, trusted friend, to whom one confides intimate matters or secrets, trusting them not to repeat it to others.

Psalm 55:12-14 MSG “This isn’t the neighborhood bully mocking me—I could take that. This isn’t a foreign devil spitting invective—I could tune that out. It’s you! We grew up together! You! My best friend! Those long hours of leisure as we walked arm in arm, God a third party to our conversation.”

How do we fix this glitch of modern society?

We should become far more LOYAL to the people considering us FRIEND and CONFIDANT. We should quickly find at least ONE personal confidant, whether its mom or spouse or Pastor. We should set a CONFIDANT meeting… and get the all the pain out of our hearts, get prayed over and built up, so that deep healing can begin.
We should dedicate to the well being of our own identity in Christ… so that more and more of us are better able to HELP others.
We should develop a keen spiritual awareness of the beautiful people in our circles… so that NO PERSON SUFFERERS ALONE.

I hope and PRAY that this blog site can be a SOURCE of healing for so many hurting people throughout the world. If you find yourself SUFFERING ALONE today… let us know about it as much as you feel comfortable… maybe we can gather around you with a few shoulders and give you the HUG you’ve been needing for a very long time! You’re amazing… you’re beautiful… you matter to God and to me and to so many other people. I’m praying for you… feel the difference and have a super day!

Please check out for more awesome inspiring words!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

I've Changed

Have you ever gotten to a place in life where you know you have changed? Have you ever been afraid to totally envelope that change and let go of all the things that tie you to the old person you were?
I have realized that I have changed. But fear has allowed me to stay the same in some ways...fear that those around me may not understand my change...but what I have realized the most is that I am accountable to God for everything in my life.
As I have gotten older (physically and spiritually), I can look back and see how I have depended on other people instead of depending on God. I have allowed my friendships/relationships to take precedence over Him...I have allowed people's opinions to replace God's Truth in my life. I have been content "riding the coattails" of other people, and have not stood firm on the Rock of my salvation, which is Jesus Christ. I have been content to be a follower of other people, and have forgotten to be a follower of Christ. I have forgotten that He has a purpose and a place for me, and it's time to let go and allow Him to take me whereever it is that He wants me to be.
Don't get me wrong - God has placed some amazing people in my life and I am thankful for how He has used them in my sin has been making those relationships more important that my relationship with Him. I have allowed my dependence on others to cloud my dependence on Him...
Today, I enncourage you to love your friends, love your family...but remember most of all, that the voice you need to hear is the voice of God. The face you need to see is the face of God.
Turn your eyes upon Jesus
Look full in His wonderful face
And the things of earth will grow strangely dim
In the light of His glory and grace.
It's just what's on my mind...and today, on my heart.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

I'm Homesick for Heaven

It's been awhile since my last has been busy, and I have been feeling really weary lately...sometimes I feel like a stranger in my own life.

But God always carries me through, and this past week, I got a blessing beyond imagination!

In 1990, I worked at Camp Little Crossroads in Lowesville, VA (now known as Crossroads Camp and Conference Center) and I met another counselor there named Lee Catherine. She asked me to show her some chords on the guitar, and in the process of doing that, she and I wrote a song together called, "Homesick for Heaven". We sang it that summer at camp and had a great time with it all.

So, fast forward to 2009...I got a flyer for a women's weekender and had in in my bag with all of my church information, figured I'd take a look at it the closer it got to the weekender. So this past Tuesday night, I came home from a meeting and looked at that flyer...the name Lee Catherine stuck out, and I looked at the picture, and there was my friend Lee Catherine from camp! Her group "Immersed" ( will be at the weekender. Well, I just couldn't belive that after all of these years, there she was! I thought about the song, and I went to the computer and looked her up on Facebook.

I messaged her and told her I'd seen her picture on the Weekender flyer, and I wondered if she remembered me, and if she remembered the song we wrote. The next evening, I had this message back from her:

"You will never believe this, but I just YESTERDAY was talking to my friend Cammie about wondering if you would be at Eagle Eyrie for the conference!!!!! We are in the process of preparing our 2nd CD cover for printing, and the last song on that CD is HOMESICK FOR HEAVEN! If you'll remember, I think you and I wrote that together at CLCR when you were teaching me how to play guitar. You'd be amazed at how many people here love that song! I was listing the songs for the cover and when I got to the author part, I had to write that the co-author was a counselor from CLCR '90, b/c I couldn't remember your last name. Cammie said, " Wouldn't that be awesome if she is there at the conference?" And here you are on Facebook. DUDE! That is God!"

So here we are all of these years later, with God allowing both of us to minister through the music He has given us; one of those songs being one that we wrote together!

God has a plan and a purpose for everything...and He has surely used this lesson to teach me that His time is more important than my time. This encourages my faith, and my music.

Please take time to visit to hear more of Lee Catherine and Cammie's music.

If you'd like to hear Homesick for Heaven, email me at and I will email you the song...I'm going to try and post it on the blog somehow, but you all know how technologically challenged I am!

Love you all!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Innocence of a child

This is my favorite little man in the whole world. His name is Steven and he is 5 months old. He is my cousin, and he has brought so much joy to my heart!

It's hard to believe that a little baby could teach us so much about life, but he has taught me a lot in his 5 months.

The thing that touches me the most about this little child is his innocence. He looks into the eyes of those caring for him with complete trust. He is dependent for everything in his life right now.

As he grows, he is getting more independent. He can roll over by himself now, and he can almost hold his bottle by himself. He laughs all of the time (well, except when he's hungry and man, has that kid got some lungs!).

He will continue to grow and learn to do things on his own; and as his independence increases, he will not need those around him to do things for him like he needs us to now. I can already hear him in my mind say "I can do it myself!". He will think he doesn't need us anymore.

Don't we treat God that way at times?

When we come to Christ as a baby Christian, we become dependent on the "milk" of the Gospel. It feeds us and nourishes us, and as we grow, we move from "milk" to "meat". Sometimes, meat gets a little hard to chew...and we want to spit it out and move back to the "milk" that's easier to swallow. But when you grow up, you can't live on milk like you did when you were a baby; you have to eat "meat" to survive. Your diet must consist of something with substance; so your spiritual life must grow on the meat of the Gospel - the substance of it allowing you to live in Christ.

Our independence also gets in the way as we grow - we feel we become "self-sufficient" and tend to look at God and say, "I can do it myself!".

But we can't. John the Baptist knew this and said, "He must increase but I must decrease" (John 3:30). The Christian life seems a little backwards to those who don't know Jesus - as we grow, we "decrease" and allow Him to live through us. We become less dependent on the world and on ourselves, and more dependent on Him.

God's goal is to make us more like His Son. We need to move out of the way and let Him do His work in us. Jesus tells us in Mark 10:13-16:

13And they brought young children to him, that he should touch them: and his disciples rebuked those that brought them.
14But when Jesus saw it, he was much displeased, and said unto them, Suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God.
15Verily I say unto you, Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child, he shall not enter therein.
16And he took them up in his arms, put his hands upon them, and blessed them.

We need to come to Jesus with the innocence of a child - with complete trust and dependence on Him for everything. And as God grows us to be more like His Son, we need to allow that trust and dependence to grow.

I don't know about you guys, but I'm tired of saying, "I can do it myself".

It's just what's on my mind.

Monday, July 13, 2009


It was an interesting weekend.

One thing that happened last night at home was that I woke up around midnight with this little tickling on my leg. Half asleep, I reached down and scratched…then I felt it again. I sat up and looked, and in the faint light coming from the window, it looked like I had a huge monster on my leg. I brushed it off in the floor and immediately identified what I call a “water cricket”. We used to find them in the bathrooms at Camp Little Cross Roads when I worked there. For those of you who still don’t know what that is, to me it’s the body of a cricket with the legs of a spider, and they can jump like crazy! I chased him into the hall with my shoe, and then the little guy met his maker. I don’t like anything waking me up.

I went back to bed and felt another tickling, this time in my heart. I brushed it off. I tried to go back to sleep. Then I woke up and looked, and it seemed like a huge monster in my heart. It was called anger – and it was not Godly. And God had to show me what it looked like. And just like the water cricket met his maker last night, my heart had to meet its maker…and it wasn’t God that put this feeling there.

The verse on my calendar this morning was this “See if there be any bad thing in me. Lead me on the road to everlasting life – Psalm 139:24”. God continues to work on all of our hearts…and He reminds us to love each other in the process. I need to remember that.

I thought about obedience, and the things that God puts in our lives to orchestrate His purpose – and how He uses circumstances, and His Word to show us His way. And about how when we are obedient to the roles that He has given us, he not only allows us to show His love to others but will reward us in His time. I had a conversation recently with a friend who shared this story with me:

She said that last year, she was asked to fill in for a few weeks and teach a Sunday School class at her church. She said she immediately accepted, but when she went home and told her husband, he had a problem with it. Knowing that for whatever his reasons were, he did not want her to take this role, she called and explained to the Sunday School director that if this teaching role was going to cause conflict in her home, that she would have to say no. Her answer was greeted with the utmost understanding.

Now, fast forward a year. This friend of mine was at church recently and the church needed someone to fill in teaching a class for a few weeks. This woman and her husband were a part of the discussion, and it was decided that two of the class members would teach two of the Sundays, but they needed one more person. My friend’s husband spoke up and said that he knew someone that would be incredible for the job. My friend said she stared at him, waiting for him to make this great revelation, and this man pointed to his wife and said, “She can do it.” My friend said she almost fell out of her seat, but she remembered the year before when she had respected his wishes and declined the position, being obedient to God by being obedient to her husband. God used that experience, and the time during that year to grow her husband’s heart, and he used her obedience as part of that lesson. My friend said to me that she knows God calls her to do things, but He has called her first and foremost to be a wife to her husband. And in her obedience, they both grew.

This story so touched my heart that I had to share it with you all today. I pray that if God ever sends the right man my way, that I can love God and love my husband enough to be an example of a Godly wife.

“Wives, in the same way be submissive to your husbands so that, if any of them do not believe the word, they may be won over without words by the behavior of their wives.” 1 Peter 3:1
Our hearts can get so cluttered that we forget what’s right and good, and that is to obey God as He has called us to obey Him, in the circumstances He has placed us in. Our hearts can get dirty and we don’t even know it…it may seem like a tiny tickling feeling, and turn out to be a darkness eating away at us inside. We need to ask the Lord to show us if there is any bad thing in us, any disobedience…any selfishness disguised as “righteousness”. I just pray He continues to help me learn humility by submitting to Him and those around me.

It’s just what’s on my mind.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Are you stealing someone's joy?

Are you stealing someone’s joy?

I remember when I was in college and I would get really excited about something, then someone would come along and bust my bubble. My dear friend, Vicki, would say to me “Don’t let the devil steal your joy!”

I have been wondering in the past few weeks if the devil ever uses me to steal someone’s joy. Or more than that, do I ever get in the way of someone else’s opportunity to serve?

I think sometimes we get so caught up in wanting to serve that we forget those around us and their desire to serve the same Lord that we serve. We get to a place where we feel like if we don’t do it personally, it won’t get done right. I see people around me every day, in different churches and circumstances, running themselves ragged and then see others wanting to help and not knowing how to jump in, some of them even feeling that there’s not a place for them. As we mature in Christ, it is our responsibility to take others and disciple them…to teach them about the Lord we serve and not deny them the opportunity to learn more about Him and serve Him the best way that they can. Everyone has a gift and the Lord can use all of our gifts for His glory. We get joy from the Lord when we serve Him with the right heart. Does your heart feel that joy when you serve? If not, maybe it’s time to step back and pray and make sure you are serving for the right reasons.

Paul tells us about the Body of Christ:

1 Corinthians 12:11-13 (New International Version)
11All these are the work of one and the same Spirit, and he gives them to each one, just as he determines.
12The body is a unit, though it is made up of many parts; and though all its parts are many, they form one body. So it is with Christ. 13For we were all baptized by[
a] one Spirit into one body—whether Jews or Greeks, slave or free—and we were all given the one Spirit to drink.

None of us can do it alone – each one of us is a part of the Body of Christ. Hands can’t function without arms, feet can’t function without legs. Can you imagine trying to walk without toes? A head may have a brain, but the head and the brain can’t live without a heart to pump blood, blood can’t circulate without veins and arteries, veins and arteries would just be hanging out if we didn’t have skin to cover us, skin would just be floppy if we didn’t have bones…get the picture? The parts can’t function on their own – we need our entire body to be able to function (except I can’t quite figure out that little hangy-thing at the back of my throat and what it does).

Sometimes we can get so caught up in service that we forget Who we are serving. Keith Green once said, “Don’t get so caught up in the work of the Lord that you forget the Lord of the work”. If we so busy serving that we are actually forgetting the people around us, then maybe we have lost our focus. Maybe we need our spiritual eyes to be opened and for God to show us what’s wrong.

Most of all, let’s not get in God’s Way – He’s been doing things for years without our help. I’m thankful He chooses to use me – and I need to remember that He’s still in control no matter what happens. Even if we mess up and fall, He is going to use that experience for His glory.
It’s just what’s on my mind….

Friday, June 5, 2009

Rainy Days and Fridays...

Rainy days and Fridays always get me down...hey, wait, wasn't that a Carpenters song back in the '70's? Oh, yeah, that was rainy days and Mondays!

Rainy days make me want to sleep...Fridays make me want to cry. The road in this picture is the road I used to take every Friday...the road to my Dad's house. Unless something else came up, I got in the habit of going to see him every Friday night. Now on Fridays, I have to remind myself not to call him to see what we are having for dinner, especially if I get in the mood for a shrimp box from the Dairy Isle. Sometimes I have to remind myself daily not to call him when I think of something that might have made him laugh, or I hear something about the Virginia Cavaliers, the Yankees, the Redskins, or Nascar.

I have to remind myself not to call him when I just want to hear his voice.

You know, I used to be a really prideful person, stubborn and hard-headed...okay, I still am at times, but nothing like I used to be...and I held grudges and I got mad over stuff that didn't amount to anything. Being this way caused me to be away from my dad for a few years. But as God healed my heart, He showed me that we all fall...and we all have to trust Him to lift us up and heal us.

God healed my heart of a lot of negative feelings - and I encourage any of you who have problems in your relationships to search out the face of God, and pray that God changes the other person, but more importantly, pray that God changes you. Sometimes we are the problem and we don't even realize it. I felt guilty for a long time about the time I spent away from my dad...and since his death, I have had all of those feelings resurface. But the past is the past, and I know that the time my dad and I spent together before his death was more precious than any other time I might have had.

I just thank God that He allowed my dad to live long enough for me to realize that - and that He didn't take my dad home before I had a chance to make amends and tell him that I love him...and I'm thankful that I will see my dad again one day, when Jesus takes me home.

Call that person you need to make amends with...don't wait until it's too late. It doesn't matter whose fault it was. Don't let pride get in the way. Love hard. Love the way God wants you to love.

It's just what's on my mind.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Singing in the rain....thanks Sheila!

On Sunday, May 3rd, 2009, I had an experience that left me again in awe of God's power and orchestration in our lives. I had the honor of presenting a short Sunday morning church service at the 1st Annual Nelson County Relay for Life at Nelson County High School. It was raining cats and dogs off and on, and as I got up to sing, it poured again...but folks were faithful to continue walking and to stand out in the rain and listen...and Nelson County came together and raised over $104,000.00 for cancer research!

It's amazing how we go out and ask God to use us to be a blessing to others, and we are the ones that end up getting blessed. The previous Saturday evening, I had been able to participate in a fund raiser for Relay and was blessed by the testimonies of those who had fought the battle of cancer and had crawled into the arms of Jesus for their strength. One of those people who has touched my heart and changed my life is a wonderful lady named Sheila Layton.

I have pretty much known Sheila my whole life, and we graduated from high school together. Sheila was diagnosed with breast cancer at age 26, and she is a survivor in so many ways. My life reconnected with Sheila's a couple of years ago when I was asked to sing at a church and when I got there, I found out she was a member. When I looked at her, I saw a glow that only comes from loving Jesus. I had heard about her battle with cancer but I had not heard her give her testimony about it. That changed on Saturday, April 25, 2009 when I watched this wonderful soul stand before the crowd and talk about her struggle, and as she told her story, she continually gave God the glory for His strength in her life and His healing power.

Recently, Sheila posted a note on Facebook called "Reflection" - read what she says about her battle with cancer:

"I never could understand why at a time in my life when it did not matter if I lived or died; already dealing with so much pain and hurt that God would allow this to enter into my life, now looking back 12 years I know. I am a better person BECAUSE of cancer. I look at people differently. I try to have empathy and compassion as I don't know what they are dealing with on day to day basis. I am so thankful that God felt I was worthy enough to endure this nasty word. I have learned to say Thank You God for NOT being finished with me yet. That I am important enough that He wants to continue His work in me. I am not perfect and Lord knows I have many minus's, but the best part is that He loves me enough to want to teach me. He suffered for me, why should I not have to suffer??How can we enjoy the view on top if we have never seen the bottom?? Something to think about......"

I think we can all learn from this amazing lady - that morning at Relay, I was singing in the rain. Through Sheila's struggles, she was singing in the rain...singing the praises of God her Father no matter what was falling down around her. I'm a different person from knowing her. I'm a better person from knowing her. And it's all because she gives the glory to God for all that she is and all that she has.

Thank you, Sheila. It's an honor to be your friend.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

FW:fw:re:FW:OH MY!

Did the title get you?

I have been thinking lately about the amount of time (collectively) that I spend emailing, texting, watching television, watching movies, etc. Now, don’t think I’ve gone overboard and now believe that all televisions, cell phones, and the Internet are tools of Satan – I am far from that belief. Even though these things can be used for evil, they also have their purpose for good. The Internet is a way to look up information; email is a way to stay in touch with people we might not normally have that much contact with; cell phones are needed in emergencies. Believe it or not, naysayers, even Facebook can be used in a good way – I can’t tell you how many witnessing opportunities I’ve had on there!

Just yesterday, I changed my cell phone plan to take off the text message feature. I have gotten spam and wrong numbers (which caused my mother to be called some very nasty names in a text that was not meant for her). It was cool when it was new…then I realized how obsessed you can get with it. I forgot what people’s voices sounded like – and more than anything else, I really believe it has affected the way I communicate. It’s hard to talk to people anymore when you get so used to email and texting.

So let me tell you what bothers me about each one of these things (and this comes from being convicted of them myself :)) :

1. We communicated before all of these techniques – it’s called TALKING!

2. I would love to have the money that people (including myself) are spending on all of these things when the majority of people that have them do not need them….we want them and that’s a big difference.

3. CELL PHONES: I love my phone. I love that I can talk with people whenever I want to now, but I do have to remember that it can be dangerous to do this at times.

- Trust me, you are not that important. Hang the thing up when you are driving, and watch the road. This is dangerous for you and those around you.

- If you forget your grocery list, drive home and get it. Please don’t walk around through the grocery store on your phone while your family at home tells you what they want. This does not constitute an emergency. This also may be hazardous to your health if you are in a grocery store filled with people who have the same opinion as me :)

- In the same grocery store (or any other store you might be in), please don’t answer your phone while you are checking out (especially if you are the cashier!).
Unless you are a physician or someone important on call, please leave your phone in your car when you go to Church. Trust me, if God’s gonna speak to you, He’s not gonna call you on your cell.

4. EMAIL: I love my email, too. I love that people think about me and send me things that they think I enjoy. I have tried to cut down on the amount of forwards I send. But it has it’s downfalls as well.

- It can only be National Best Friends Day once a year – I get this email at least weekly. I’m glad I have a lot of friends, but sometimes I miss the personal touch.

- I don’t believe in luck, so I really don’t think that if I fail to forward a forward that has been forwarded (get the theme here? J) I will experience ill happenings in my life.

- Some of the email forwards I get from my Christian friends really make me wonder at times…

- I do not need any of the types of medical assistance that are described in some of the spam I get (I think you know what I mean here).

5. TELEVISION: I have to say that sometimes I love television more than I should. But the content that is on now makes me want to have the cable turned off again.

- I still do not need any of the types of medical assistance that I’m also getting in my email. The commercials are worse than the programs. And then we wonder where the kids are coming up with this stuff.

I know that these things can be time savers – I can send a message to a group of people that it might take me hours to call on the phone; I can subscribe to daily devotionals; I can get personal messages from my friends; I can use it to send out devotions and messages from the ministry but only to those who have asked to be a part of the list. I use email and my cell phone to book dates for the ministry. But I also know that these things can be time wasters – and we get so caught up in them that we are missing the true value of relationships, and we are missing valuable time that we could be spending in Bible study. We are missing time that we could be spending in prayer – and by some of the content we receive by the means mentioned above, the world sure needs the prayers!

I believe God can use all things…and there’s so much more I could say…please don’t be offended by anything…it’s just What’s On My Mind.

Monday, April 27, 2009

God Can Use You!

Ever felt like this picture?? Ever been called "stubborn as a mule"??

I have - alot! And I have wondered often how God continues to use me...but then I remember what my Pastor told me when I first felt called to the music/speaking ministry and I felt inadequate. He told me to remember Moses and how he felt inadequate before God, and how God used him anyway. And then he said, "And always remember Balaam's donkey - and if God can use a talking donkey, He can use you, too!".

If we visit Numbers 22, we find the story of Balaam's donkey. I encourage you to look it up and read it. I spent the weekend in some places that showed me how God can use all of us, and He reminded me that I don't have to be successful or well known in the world's eyes, I just have to be obedient to Him and He will move me out of the way and let His Word be known. Even when I act like a donkey.

On Saturday, I sang at a Relay for Life benefit at the Lovingston Opry House. This benefit was to raise money for cancer research and it warms my heart to know that the small county I live in has already raised $71,000.00 for this worthy cause! My heart was blessed as I sat and listened to the wonderful music from so many talented, God serving hearts! So many moving testimonies of cancer survival - each one giving God the glory for the healing that they received! I was in tears most of the evening just praising God for his wonderful mercy and grace. Each humble person sharing their struggles made their faith even more evident to those listening. I wondered how I could be so stubborn at times, when there are people going through much worse things than I have ever had to endure.

On Sunday evening, I went to the Gaither concert in Charlottesville - as they praised the Lord, each one shared some struggle from their life, or mistakes they have made, that the Lord had brought them through. And I saw each person praise God no matter what had been or was going on in their life at the time - and I saw how God used their struggles and their mistakes not only to teach them, but to also minister to other hearts. I wondered how God could use my mistakes to show others His glory.

God puts people in our lives for many reasons - but most of all to love each other and share each others burdens. I find it amazing that even when I was having struggles, there were strangers (or should I say friends I had never met) on their knees praying for me. Each one of us has a gift that God has given us to use - each one of us has a message that He has given us to say. But most of all, God has put us all here together to work for His kingdom and share the Gospel so that none may perish, but all may have everlasting life in His Son, Jesus Christ.

And it comforts my heart to know that even when I mess up, God meets me at the place of forgiveness and He covers me yet again with His grace and mercy, and He loves me through it.

And I know that God can use even my donkey moments for His Glory.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Gene's Song - Part 2

Not long after my posting last Thursday about Gene and his song, my pastor called and asked me if I would sing it at Gene's funeral on Friday.

What a honor! Not only to have known the man, and received the gift of his teaching, his friendship, and the words to this song, but to be able to be a part of honoring him by singing at his funeral...I didn't know if I could do it.

But God gives us the strength we need when we can't do it on our own...and the secret to having God's strength is realizing that we can never do anything on our own...only with His help. My friend sang harmony and God got the glory. God received the glory in the whole service, and my heart missed my friend and Sunday School teacher, but it also rejoiced knowing that Gene is with his Saviour that he loved so much. His service that day was a true picture of his life. My pastor also read a poem that Gene had written and given to me called, "After The Last Sunset" - I can't wait to put music to it and see what God has in store!

I'm thankful to be a tiny part in God's master plan.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

How Long Will It Be? In Memory of Gene Rohr

God truly works in mysterious ways.

About 2 years ago, I was given a humble gift. I went to church one Wednesday evening and my Sunday School teacher walked up to me and handed me a piece of paper, covered in words. He told me that during his Bible study that day, he had written down some words that the Lord had laid on his heart, and he wanted to give them to me so I could put music to them and make a song. He said, "I don't have money or anything to give you to support your ministry, but I want to give you these words and you take them and do with them what the Lord wants you to do".

This man's name is Gene Rohr and he is probably the most humble person I have ever known in my life. He was a man of few but meaningful words, and his prayers were so humble that Heaven must have rejoiced each time he talked to his Father. The song he gave me is titled "How Long Will It Be?" and several people who knew him said that the words reminded them of his struggles with his health and his desire to see his Lord soon. Gene had not been a Christian long, but he had a powerful faith that most of us can only desire to have. He depended on his Lord for everything in life.

I have had the opportunity to sing this song many times, alone and with a wonderful friend who harmonizes beautifully on the chorus. It was amazing to see his face when we had the chance to sing it for him one Sunday at church. In fact, this past week when we were asked to sing at OBX Baptist Church, this song was one that we sang for the congregation. I told the story of how this song came to be, and tried to explain the heart of the man that wrote those words, but words could not describe what shined through from his heart.

God is definitely the orchestrator of all things - after struggling with his breathing for so long, Gene went home to see his Savior face to face this past Tuesday. I can remember the look of awe he would have some Sunday mornings in Sunday School when we talked about the wonderful promises that God has made to all of us, and I can only imagine the look of awe he had on his face when he saw Jesus face to face. Gene doesn't have to wonder how long it will be anymore - his earthly journey is done, and he is now in Heaven rejoicing with the One he loved so much.

He gave me another poem not long ago called "After The Last Sunset". I know that Gene has seen that last earthly sunset, but opened his eyes to a wonderful Sonrise on Tuesday afternoon!

Thank you, Gene, for teaching us all humility - thank you for teaching me the Word, and for your wonderful gifts of words to sing to praise our Savior! I know I'll miss you, and I look forward to seeing you in Heaven.


Tuesday, April 7, 2009

God's Timing vs. Our Timing: Day 3 in North Carolina

Last night when my family was over for dinner, my uncle was sharing with us about his salvation and his growth in the Lord. He told us that he wanted to be able to be able to pray in front of people and be able to talk in front of people. So, one Sunday morning at church, he went to the altar and asked God for the boldness to talk in front of people and to pray out loud in front of people. He said he finished and returned to his seat, and when the hymn was over, the preacher looked right at him and said, “Brother Morris, will you say the closing prayer this morning”? He said he couldn’t believe it! But he said he closed his eyes and said the closing prayer, and he said he can’t remember what he said. He laughed and told us that the only thing he forgot to ask God for was time! He didn’t expect such an immediate answer to prayer!

I know how he feels when it comes to immediate answers…I told everyone that I am going to be careful what I ask God for from now on. This trip was planned a few months ago, long before I knew how badly I would need to get away. But God knew that I would need it - God knew my dad was going to die, and He knew I would need to come here to get away. And more than that, He knew that I would need this time with my uncle. It has been absolutely amazing, and we still have 4 more days to go! But before we left home, I said I would like to see some dolphins - I woke up early Sunday morning and watched the sun rise over the ocean, and then I saw them - dolphins! I have seen them every day since we got here. Then I said that I wanted to see one jump way out of the water - so yesterday afternoon while I was watching them, they started playing and one of them jumped way out of the water twice! These seem like small things, but God is the God of everything and He knows what we need.

Last night was a blessing…this trip has been a blessing. If we had to go home tonight, this trip has been everything I have needed it to be. Wonderful time with friends and family, and getting reacquainted with my Jesus.

How God Can Use Clumsiness...and Butter: Days 1 and 2 in North Carolina

What a weekend! What a mighty God we serve! This is how God is moving this week in my life. I am in Kill Devil Hills, NC for vacation this week...and it is absolutely amazing!

On Saturday, we left home around 7:30 a.m., gassed up and then met Frances at the church at 8 a.m. to hit the road. I had called Kent and Peggy on Friday night and let them know we were heading out on Saturday morning, and I told them I’d call Saturday evening when we got here. So, we made the trek down and did okay - even going through the Hampton Roads tunnel! The scenery is beautiful, and I still remain amazed that people can look out at it all, and still not believe in God.

So, we arrived at our destination about 1:45 p.m. and unloaded. We are on the second floor, so thank God there is an elevator, and a rolly-thing to help us bring the stuff upstairs. Once we got here and unloaded, we headed to Southern Shores and picked up shells, and rode on the beach in the 4X4. Once that was done, we headed to the Western Sizzlin’ to have dinner. I know how clumsy I am, and so do many people - and I never thought it would be something God would use. BUT - I know God can use anything for His glory, and I imagine He got quite a chuckle out of this. We sat in the corner and there was a lady sitting at the table next to us, by herself. We had chatted briefly about something…I decided that I wanted one of those awesome yeast rolls with butter and so I proceeded to open the pat of butter, scrape the butter out with my knife, and promptly shot that empty container sideways with my knife and almost hit the lady next to us! She laughed, we laughed, and we proceeded to talk. She told us her name was Janet and she ended up inviting us to her church - Outer Banks Baptist Church - for Sunday morning services.

Meanwhile, I was supposed to call my aunt and uncle and let them know we were here, which I failed to do. BUT - God is great and He orchestrated way in advance the events that left us speechless and in tears. We got up Sunday morning and drove over to Outer Banks Baptist Church - which ended up being right across the street from us. We went in and immediately saw Janet who hugged us and welcomed us there! So did everyone else that we ran into. This was truly a Spirit filled church. Janet began telling everyone how she had asked us to come to church the day before. We settled in and I went to the bathroom - we had joked about that wouldn’t it be funny if we ended up at my uncle’s church? Well, I came back into the sanctuary and I noticed that my mom and Frances were laughing about something and didn’t tell me what it was. I was thinking I had toilet paper stuck to my shoe or something. So, I sat down (in the back row - some habits continue no matter where you go to church) and began looking over the bulletin. When I got to the prayer list, I read down and there it was - Darrell Morris, Health (Kent’s brother). This was my uncle’s church! And God lead us there! I ran out to find Janet and tell her that this was the church that my uncle attended! And there was my aunt, coming in the door! She was as surprised as we were, and she said that she was hoping that I would have called the night before because they were going to invite us to come to their church. But God took care of it for us. We moved up front and sat with them.

We chatted after church, and Janet told me that the day before, when we met her at the Western Sizzlin’, had been the 1 year anniversary of her father’s death. She also told us that she had been so down that day we met her that she had decided to go out to eat by herself. She said she heard us talking about going to church and she prayed for the Holy Spirit to give her the boldness to ask us to come to her church. She laughed and said that the butter pat took care of that! After the service (which was absolutely amazing) we talked with many people, and when they found out that it was my dad that just passed away, they told me that they had prayed together every Tuesday night, on their knees and in tears, for my dad. They told me that they had prayed for his health and for the condition of his soul. There were so many tears in that church before, during and after that service! But they were not tears of sorrow or of hurt, but tears of love and thankfulness for brothers and sisters in the Lord that we may have only met that day, but are connected to us by the blood of Jesus Christ.

After church, we went to my aunt and uncle’s house for lunch - what a beautiful home! So much like them. My uncle has built a crows nest on top of the house and you can see for miles from up there. He has an excitement for his relationship with the Lord that I envy - it only makes me want to get closer to my Jesus. Knowing him before and knowing him now…I can’t even explain it. Hearing him say the blessing made me have goose bumps. We had a nice lunch and then talked for awhile. He talked about not being able to get there before my dad died, and he said within minutes of getting the news, he had his church praying for all of us. The thing that I continue to think about is his zeal for his Savior. He is so excited about Jesus that he can’t stop talking about it! And the gentleness of Jesus shows through in everything he does. That evening, we went back to the church for Bible study and they invited us to sing. So Frances and I sang a couple of songs. The Bible study was absolutely amazing - Exodus 12, The Passover. The pastor made points that in my lowly heart had never been connected before. After the service, again there were conversations and tears, and I could try, like I have been trying, to write it down, but the power of God in these circumstances cannot be explained in words. It really was one of those situations where you had to be there. I was there, and I know my heart will forever be different from the walking testimonies in that church.

Tonight, Janet came over for dinner, along with my aunt and uncle, and we had a wonderful time in the Lord! Praying together, discussing the Word, knowing we are not the people we once were, and it’s all because of the grace of God. Everyone was on the alert when they passed the butter to me, though! Some of us were strangers two days ago, but even though we had never met, we were still brothers and sisters in the Lord. How I felt when I walked into Outer Banks Baptist Church is how I should feel anytime I walk into the body of Christ.

It’s only Monday…and I’m already changed. I guess that’s how it is throughout life…He’s always working to make us more like Him.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Don't Sink!

In the past three weeks, I have felt a lot of emotions.

The week that my dad died, I hurt, then I almost felt numb. But I know that God knows what we are getting ready to face, and He allows us to face it with His strength and not our own.

As I sit here now and reflect over the past three weeks, I can identify some of my feelings. I have felt loss, grief, anger, and selfishness. I have wanted to crawl in a hole and hide from everything, and I have wanted to push away anyone and everyone that cares about me. And I have lost the strength to reach out to them when I might need them...I have just come home each day from work, and I have gone to sleep. I think it's because of a lot of things - being tired from everything that has happened over the past few weeks, and being a little depressed. Sleeping is the hole I crawl into so I don't have to think about things.

I wondered if there was anyone who understands how I feel - people say things to me and I know they mean well, but words seem to run together and some of the things my Christian friends and family say even almost make me feel guilty for missing my dad and grieving like I should.

There is someone who knows how I feel. God led me to the passage In John 11 - Jesus had arrived after the death of His friend, Lazarus. Jesus knew He was going to raise Lazarus from the dead, but He still wept over the situation. Jesus showed grief over the loss of His friend. I know that when my heart hurts, my Jesus hurts with me. I know when I grieve, my Jesus grieves with me. And I know when I cry, my Jesus cries with me. I believe Jesus wept at this occasion for many reasons - He knew Lazarus was in Heaven and He was going to bring him from that paradise we all long for back to earth, but I know there was a purpose in it. I believe Jesus wept over the people's unbelief.

I believe that Jesus has wept over my unbelief - see, I think there is normal grieving, but I think it can easily move over a thin line and cause us to sin. The Lord also led me to another passage today to show me where my faith needs to be now. A friend had emailed me about her own father's death and she said she was having trouble leaving the house and dealing with people. It reminded me of me wanting to come home and hide, to stay home and hide, to push away the very ones that will continue to point me to Him. And I thought of Matthew 14 - Jesus Walks on the Water. The disciples were in the boat - and Jesus was walking towards them on the water. They were all afraid, but Peter cried out to Jesus to tell him to come to Him on the water. Peter took a leap of faith and stepped out of the boat. When did he sink? When he took his eyes off of Jesus.

I look at this time I am in now as being in that boat - Jesus is walking toward me and I am so afraid to step out toward Him. I want to go, but I am scared. My boat now seems to be my own sorrow and grief - I feel strong when my eyes are on Jesus. But despair has a tendency to take over, and it clouds my vision, and I begin to sink, just like Peter did.

I believe that grief and sorrow are a part of life - but I also think that if we take our eyes off of Jesus when these things surround us, our despair can easily turn into sin. In my despair, I don't believe that He can carry my burdens and heal my broken heart - I show this in not trusting Him and not continuing the work He has called me to do. Satan knows our weaknesses, and he will catch us at our lowest point and hit us with the things he knows will hurt us the most. We can crawl into that boat, cover up with something, and float as life passes us by; or, we can step up, look and see Him reaching out His hand to hold us up, and make that step of faith, keeping our eyes on Him and not looking down into our despair.

What is the key to all of this? FAITH! And not faith in others or ourselves, but faith in the Creator of the Universe, the one and only true God, who loved us enough to send His Son to die for our sins...the God who continually loves us even when our faith is weak and we sink in despair.

He is holding out His hand...and I can see it now.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Trust and Obey

Russell Lee Morris
3/31/1941 - 2/25/2009

A lot has happened since my last posting...and I sat down here tonight to write something so profound...but words are few here's what's on my mind.

My dad went to Heaven on February dad passed away on February dad died on February 25th.

I believe my dad is in Heaven. I believe that I believe in the true God of the universe, that He sent His Son Jesus to die on the Cross for my sins, and through His death and resurrection, He defeated sin and death and now sits at the right hand of the Father in Heaven. I believe that Jesus is the only way to Heaven. I won't apologize for it or "soften" it for fear of offending someone. I know what I believe, and Who I believe in. He is the Lord of my life.

I know that the grace of God has carried me through the death of my dad so far, and it will continue to carry me as I deal each day with this loss. I know that he is in Heaven, and I know that he has a new body and he is not suffering anymore.

But I still miss him.

I love you, Daddy.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day!

Happy Valentine's Day to all!
I've been overwhelmed by the commercials and the marketing of Valentine's Day, all in the name of "love" me it looks a lot like the world's definition of love.
I think on this day that everyone is focused on love, we should look at the true meaning of love:

John 3:16-17: For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.

Joh 13:34-35: A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.
By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.

Joh 15:12-13: This is my commandment, That ye love one another, as I have loved you.
Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.
And Paul's beautiful writing concerning charity/love:

1Co 13:1 Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal.
1Co 13:2 And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries, and all knowledge; and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not charity, I am nothing.
1Co 13:3 And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, and have not charity, it profiteth me nothing.
1Co 13:4 Charity suffereth long, and is kind; charity envieth not; charity vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up,
1Co 13:5 Doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil;
1Co 13:6 Rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth;
1Co 13:7 Beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things.
1Co 13:8 Charity never faileth: but whether there be prophecies, they shall fail; whether there be tongues, they shall cease; whether there be knowledge, it shall vanish away.
1Co 13:9 For we know in part, and we prophesy in part.
1Co 13:10 But when that which is perfect is come, then that which is in part shall be done away.
1Co 13:11 When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.
1Co 13:12 For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.
1Co 13:13 And now abideth faith, hope, charity, these three; but the greatest of these is charity.
I'm preaching to the choir everytime I write...God uses these lessons to convict my heart...the past couple of weeks, I have had some negative feelings in my heart. But God used the prophet Jeremiah to show us the true nature of our hearts:

Jer 17:9-10 The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?
I the LORD search the heart, I try the reins, even to give every man according to his ways, and according to the fruit of his doings.
And as I have learned before and the Lord will keep reminding me...our words and promises are often empty. Only His Word stands strong and true. Instead of talking about it, we need to live it. I need to live it.
And the only way to love anyone at all is to move out of the way and let Jesus love them through us. We can't do it - only He can.
Happy Valentine's Day, to all of you! Let His Love shine through and change your heart. It's a process, but God's plan is to make each of us more like His Son. Open your heart and let Him in...let Him change it so that the world only sees Him.

Friday, January 30, 2009

What is on my mind now is testing this to see if it works...I hope so!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Keeping The Old Man Down

Sometimes it's hard to stay ahead of the past.
I have had a couple of weeks here lately where I really started feeling alot like Job...each day, something else seemed to go wrong...and each time something went wrong, I tried my best to stay focused on Jesus. I'll admit it, I'm human...I lost my temper, I cried...and when all of that failed, I prayed. Now THAT was the key!
I've posted things here and on my website about my struggles...and how God has had to knock me down on my face in order for me to be able to look up at Him. I've had to deal with anger issues, self-centeredness, pride, and dependence on others rather than on God. And for the last 6 months, I have felt closer to Him than I ever have before. So now, when life's struggles seem to be ganging up on me all at one time, the "old man" (or should I say "old woman") wants to rear her ugly head again. But this time it's not me that's bringing it up.
Sometimes I wonder why, as Christians, we see God change hearts...but we still want to hold someone in their past. Someone did that to me this week, and it brought back a world of hurt in my heart. And it made me think of a song by Brian Free and Assurance called "Keeping The Old Man Down":
I'm my own worst enemy, when I remember back to what I used to be; and despite the love I've found, sometimes it's hard to keep the old man down; it's not because I want to be who I used to be, it's because people keep reminding me
Chorus: But what people can't forget He won't remember; And when they come along and keep fanning the embers; I'll hold my head up high and just remember what I've found; as I keep on keeping the old man down
Some folks try in their own way to help me change; but they don't realize, that all my "want-to's" He has rearranged; it's true I know I have a long long way to go; if He's forgiven yesterday, why won't they let it go?
Bridge: If it's true when He says we're covered in His love; then why won't they let my past, stay under the blood?
Chorus: But what people can't forget He won't remember; and when they come along and keep fanning the embers; I'll hold my head up high and just remember what I've found; as I keep on keeping the old man down.
In the new year, I encourage each one of you to be an encourager - be a Barnabas to your brothers and sisters in Christ. Remember their struggles so that you can know how far God has brought them and how He has healed their hearts - I know He's healed mine. And the sin of the past was paid for on the Cross and is covered under His blood. If you do see someone struggle, be the brother or sister that helps pick them up....don't be the one that tosses the rock that knocks them down. Love each other....stay away from negativity...let God be the one to make the changes....and most of all, keep your eyes on the Cross - all of our sin was paid for there....and Jesus is alive today! God wants to grow us to be more like His Son...and He can't do that if we stay burdened with the past. Don't forget where you came from, but don't let it keep you from letting Him take you to where He wants you to be going.
Stay safe...take care...and live for Him!
Be God's,